Chapter 58

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Leona ran at him as he engulfed her in a hug, the Weasley family smiling at the scene. Happy to see her happy.

"I told you I was in perfect health," he smiled, and he felt her chuckle against his chest, her eyes no doubt leaking tears.

"You were the surprise," she muttered in realisation.

"And what do you think of it?" he asked as he pulled away and spun in a slow circle, showcasing his healthy and clean self.

"I love it," she said as she hugged him again and he rumbled with laughter.

"Sirius," Arthur then greeted as he and his wife walked forward.

"Arthur," Sirius replied as they shook hands. "Nice to see you again Molly," he said with a kind smile as he bent to hug the woman. "Thank you for taking care of my Rose," he said gratefully as he pulled his daughter under his arm, a daughter who couldn't stop smiling.

"It was our pleasure," Arthur smiled.

"She's a part of our family after all," Molly said and the girl blushed.

"Please, make yourselves at home. Kreacher can show you to your rooms and fetch your luggage," Sirius explained and the couple nodding in thanks as they followed the house-elf up the stairs, Ginny, Ron and George going with them.

"Dad, be nice," Leona asked as Sirius pinned Fred with his gaze, Leona noting the way he rubbed his palms on his pants nervously.

"I'm always nice," he said, and Leona rolled her eyes. "So, you're the one who captured the heart of my Rose. We meet at last."

"Fred Weasley, sir," Fred introduced as he held out his hand to shake Sirius'.

Sirius took a few steps closer to Fred, the boy holding his ground as Sirius eyed his hand.

And then he surprised both the teenagers by pulling Fred into a hug.

Fred himself was a little unnerved as he hesitantly hugged Sirius back.

"Any boy that can win over my stubborn daughter and show as much care for her as you did in a single letter is alright in my book," Sirius said with a smile as he placed a hand on Fred's shoulder, the boy seeming to flood with relief as Leona rolled her eyes at her father. "But later I do expect a demonstration as well as a recount of some of the pranks and products you've developed. I want to see if they're really as ingenious as my daughter makes them sound."

"Of course, sir. Perhaps you could even tell us how you created the Marauder's map? My brother and I are big fans," Fred suggested and Sirius' smile was mischievous.

"I was quite surprised when I learned that it was you two that gave it to Harry. But that's a story for another time. Right now, I have not had a proper conversation with my daughter in almost 14 years, and I'd like to change that."

Leona's smile was genuine as her father walked over to her and side hugged her before she moved over to Fred.

"I'll see you at dinner?" she asked.

"Yeah. Go spend some time with your dad," Fred said before Leona pecked him goodbye, and Fred ran off before Sirius could glare at him.

But Leona instantly took his attention as she linked her arm with his.

"So, what shall we talk about dad?"

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