13. Coffee & Catfishing

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"I feel like I'm being a bad influence on you." Tori says with a growing grin.

"How?" I asked, looking around the diner.

"This is like your second time being absent this week. You would've freaked the fuck out back in junior year." She grabbed a coffee pitcher as she proceeded to pour me some.

"Yea well things change." I simply shrugged.

"What's making you hate school?" Tori asks, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"It's not that l hate school. I've just been waking up really late this week." I yawned at the mention of sleep.

"Fair enough, so what happened yesterday, did I miss anything?"

My body sat up at the mention of yesterday. "Just a couple new assignments and a group project."

"Group project?" Tori's eyes widened. "Don't we have a test coming up?"

"Yea but he switched it." I answer as she dramatically closed her eyes and praised the sky.

"Did he put us in the same group?"

"Yea." I nodded as she praised the sky once again. "Along with Castiel." She did not praise the sky for a third time.

"The robot himself, huh?" She purses her lips with widened eyes. "Hopefully he's willing to participate and not make us do all the work."

"Oh he's participating for sure." I shook my head. "He even started on it last night. He made us in charge of writing down research."

"Oh so he's the one calling the shots." Tori makes me laugh as she widened her eyes and playfully surrenders her arms up. "Wait, so does this mean I'm gonna have to come over to his fortress one of these days, because I gotta work?" She questions.

"I'm sure you won't have to stress about it." I explained. "I know how busy you've been at the diner. If anything goes wrong, I'm sure it can just be me and him."

Tori narrows her eyes at me. "Of course you'd love for it to just be you and him." She laughs. "How's he like?"

Just before I could've answered her question, a man's voice began to rudely yell from the other side of the diner. He had on a bandana and a long goatee that went along with his black tattered leather jacket. "Hey you! Why don't you close that goddamn mouth and give me some more coffee!" He exclaimed, loudly hitting his cup with a spoon.

Tori and I just glanced at each other as I proceeded to mind my business. I was going to stand up for her but knowing Tori, she'd wanna handle it herself.

"I'll close my mouth once you clean up that goatee sir." My eyes widened as some customers quietly laughed to themselves. "How are you gonna tell me what to do when you as a grown man can't even keep your syrup from touching your beard?" The man waved her off as he visibly became embarrassed.

"Tori." Her manager tried to hold in her laughter as she looked at her with disapproval.

Tori's eyes rolled back as she began to walk towards him with the coffee pitcher. "Be right back Shiloh."

As she left, a light cough being made on my right side quickly caught my attention. My eyes landed on the familiarly kind and gentle face of Elio as he smirked directly at me. I immediately swallowed in embarrassment.

"Good morning." He politely nodded as processing him in all of his glory made me almost choke.

"Good morning!" I replied but not as comfortable.

Catfishing CastielWhere stories live. Discover now