44. Warmth & Warriness

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"Shiloh!" Castiel's voice sounded off into the distance as I didn't even bother looking back at him.

"No! Get away from me!" I sped up the pace of my walk regardless of how cold and drenched I was getting.

I just wanted to disappear from everything.

I didn't wanna see him, I didn't wanna talk to him, I didn't want anything that had to do with him or this party and all of the people in it! This was one of few instances where I had wished the heat radiating from my searing anger and boiling blood was enough to burn and melt the house behind me.

"Shiloh please!" Castiel finished his sprint to frantically walk beside me. "Just let me explain!"

I cursed quietly to myself before responding. "What's there to explain!? I trusted you and defended you from everyone who called me crazy because of it and you used me!" My voice felt like it was about to rip my throat apart.

"I didn't use yo-"

I adamantly interrupted him as my emotions overpowered the urge to even try and listen to whatever he was saying. "And-and he said that you killed someone!"


"And that your family covered it up like-wha-what the fuck-w-who even are you!?" I aimlessly blinked around as I processed the insanity coming out of my mouth.

"Shiloh please just let me explain!" He grips around my wrist, causing me stop right at my tracks as I had to give in due to our differences in strength.

"I let you in my life Castiel you said that you-you said that we were together and you made me trust you!" I snatched my hand back to forcefully shove him away from me.

"Shiloh listen." He gently attempts to calm me down with his hands as I didn't budge.

"No, get away from me!" Castiel's jaws clenched as he welcomed my aggressive shoves made against his approaching chest. "I hate you!" I cried at everything all at once, eventually stopping the second his great height eventually towers over me, momentarily blocking the rain from hitting my face.

"I love you." He whispers tenderly through my cries.

"I hate you." I ruthlessly answer.

"No you don't."

"Yes. I do."

"You don't mean it."

"I do!" I glared up at his onyx hair and deep blue eyes that blended seamlessly with the dark shadowy skies latching onto us with its inevitable downpour. "Y-you lied to me and hid everything from me while I did the complete opposite with you!"

"Please, you don't mean it." He says almost begging.

"I can't say I love you to a person I don't know." I say with a sharpened tongue. "I don't know who you are!"

"I just wanted him to stop Shiloh-" His fists begin to tightly clench as his tears meshed into the rain slapping against his flushed skin. "I-I never meant to-I just-"

I quickly wiped my face clear from the rain as I buried my brows up at him in confusion. "Who? Stop who?"

"I never meant to hurt anyone-"

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