47. Presents & Principals

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I opened my eyes to the straining bright light quickly embedding itself down onto my eyes. I quietly hissed at the pounding pain I felt all over  before looking over to a dark and blurry figure sitting itself right beside me.

"Here you go." Another figure came into my sight as I widened my eyes upon the immense pain aching all throughout my body. "I got you some ice for your knuckles." The school nurse warmly smiled as I followed her gaze, only to catch sight of a familiarly raven haired boy who's eyes looked icier than ever.

"Thank you." His deep voice cooed as he brought the ice towards his bandaged hand. I could see him bring his attention back to me which made me close my eyes shut once again. "I know you're awake, dummy."

I took deep breath before finally responding with a hoarse voice. "What are you doing here?"

The nurse cheers before he could utter out a response. "Oh my, thank god you're awake! You were knocked out cold."

"What happened to me?" I ask while cautiously looking around the curtained section of where I laid.

"You suffered a very minor concussion, love." She explains with clasped hands.

I sigh as I bring my attention down at my clothes that were in complete disarray. "How long was I out for?" I queried, trying to get myself up from the blue recovery couch which instantly presented me to my aching body.

"About thirty minutes or so. The school had to call the paramedics so they should be here at any moment." The nurse solemnly nods.

"Paramedics? But I-I'm fine." I couldn't help but furrow my brows at her. "I-I have to get back to class." I coughed.

"Oh honey, they're not coming for you." The nurse cautiously waved her hands in front of me, prompting me to wrinkle my face in further confusion. "They're coming for the five other boys that was involved."

"Wait what?"

"I don't know how Castiel was able to fight them off the way he did but luckily enough your injuries were very minor and was easy to mend. What those boys did to you was horrible-" The nurse's voice began to fade into the back for me as I finally decided to bring my attention towards Castiel with a reluctant gaze.

His eyes were heavily deep set and were subtly tinted with a purple hue, signaling the lack of sleep he's been having as well as a punch he looked like he received. Underneath it all were tiny red scars that sat just right below his flushed cheek. There was also a newly bandaged scar on his left brow that was slightly covered by his dark disheveled hair but was still visible nonetheless.

It absolutely broke me apart to have to see him like this.

I scratched the side of my cheek and ran my hand through my curly hair. "I'd like to go to class now, please." I proceeded to get up as Castiel did the same, preparing to cautiously help me maintain my composure just incase I couldn't, causing me to nervously glance up at him.

"W-wait my dear, you just woke up. I think it's best if you just take it easy and rest here for now." The nurse cautiously waved her hands, her face painted with genuine sympathy.

"I'm fine." I kept a cautiously reassuring stare at her. "S-seriously."


Castiel's deep husky voice finally intervenes. "We have english together. I'll make sure to keep an eye out for him."

She took a moment to stare at me and Castiel. "Okay well if you both insist, I'll go ahead and write your excuse notes, I'll be right back." The nurse nodd as she exited back towards her tiny office cubicle.

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