21. Lust & Love

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Exhaustion began to sink in as a yawn escaped me. I was tired from work as I entered my dark chilly room, my stiff joints and muscles begging to be flopped onto the bed. My hands began to unbutton my uniform, every piece of fabric being unlatched from my skin as I wanted nothing more than to just knock out. Obviously, knocking out was easier said than done. Regardless of how tired I am I still can't control my brain from depriving me of sleep.

My eyes tiredly squinted at the sudden brightness being emitted from my phone as I read my notifications.

"Hey Desiree." Castiel's text read as I quickly opened it.

"Hii, how are you?" I responded.

"Could be better."

"Awh what's wrong?"

"Well I could really use some sleep right about now and I wanna drink lol."

"I felt that, just not so much the drinking part."

"So I guess we both can't sleep huh?" His answer was agile and consistent as I comfortably buried myself beneath my blankets.

"Guess so." I typed, scratching the back of my head as I yawned once again.

"What's keeping you up?" He texted.

"Life lol. What about you?" I asked.

"Same." He responded. "I'm so tempted to drink right now but my sister's home."

"I didn't know you had a sister." I lied and felt absolutely terrible about it seconds after.

"Yea I do, unfortunately. She's older than me and can be a complete pain in the ass."

"I'm the only child but I'm sure those feelings are given when it comes to siblings." I sent. "Is your sister that bad?"

"I call her my sister but we grew up apart from each other. She stayed with my dad while I stayed with my mom until now and honestly I'd have to be drunk to talk about my family stuff lol."

"Do you drink a lot?"

"Yea." He sent. "Being drunk is way better than being sober for me."

"I see." I didn't know how to respond to that.

"Fuck." He sent as my brows immediately furrowed. "You're probably thinking I'm weird or messed up in the head now."

"No not at all, why would I think that?"

"Because you're crush may have a little drinking problem." His text made my mood falter at the fact that he thought I'd ever judge him.

"Well I didn't start talking to you only wanting or expecting to hear the good from you. We're human. We all go through things and we all deserve to be accepted no matter how bad or good we're being or whatever it is we're going through." I sent.

"So I didn't scare you?" Castiel's text read.

"I'm still here arent I? :)" I replied.

"Yea you are and it makes me happy." His message made me happy.

"Why did you think I was gonna be scared?" I asked.

"Because I scare people away." He continued to type. "Even my own family is scared of me."

"I'm not gonna lie, I was one of those people. I was initially scared of you because you can be so intimidating. The truth is Castiel, you're turning out to be everything I would've never expected you to be. You can be kind, loving, compassionate and just overall really cool!" I sent, hoping that I didn't creep him out or anything.

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