38. Hugs & Hatches

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It's been a few days since the incident with Luka and I couldn't help but grow weary over having to return to school.

Tori has yet to respond to any of my texts and calls as I knew the only possible reason was the altercation that happened at the suite. I couldn't help but wonder what Luka told her, but mostly also wonder how he was feeling.

It was horrible knowing that he was probably going through a lot of pain. My only regret was not being able to be a better mediator that day. I was so overwhelmed by everything and why wouldn't I be!? Why would Luka still like me even after all these years? He's dating Alexis for fuck's sake! He has everything!

I entered my english class with a heavy weight creeping over my body the second I saw Tori sitting quietly at her seat.

I cautiously made my way towards my seat with a gulp. "Hey." I sat down beside her like usual as my heart falls the second she doesn't bother greeting me back, let alone return my gaze. "H-how was your thanksgiving break?"

My voice was flushed out due to the sounds of the other students walking in and taking their seat but I knew she heard me. "Tori?" I let out her name once again, this time much weaker as watching her effortlessly ignore me began to rip me apart. "A-are you mad at me?"

Tori impatiently sighs as if hearing my voice made her skin crawl, taking a moment to massage her temples with her fingers as she finally glared at me. "We're friends right?" Her voice was adamant and audibly furious. "Right Shiloh?"

"Y-yea of course." I anxiously gulped as seeing her radiate so much anger and disdain for me made me want to pass out.

"Then why are you talking shit behind my back?" She bluntly states.

"W-what?" My eyes and mouth widened as we began to catch a few stares around us.

"Luka told me everything that happened at the suite with you and Castiel." Tori scanned over my face with disgust. "He also told me everything that you said."

My hands began to shake as I struggled to respond. "What-w-what did I say?"

"That Luka was just like me? That we just don't wanna see you happy? I thought we cleared this up?"

"Tori I was just-"

She interrupted me with her voice. "You wanna know something disturbing? My brother telling me how you chose to fuck a guy rather than check on your best friend who got humiliated in that thanksgiving dinner. And just to make shit worse, it's you also choosing to stick to this victim narrative of me not wanting to see you happy just because I'm overly cautious with you being with a guy who has literally sent someone to the emergency room over you!" My heart fell right down to my stomach as she didn't even care about how loud she was speaking anymore.

"Tori we didn't-" I consciously lowered my voice before continuing, regardless of all the stares and glances we were receiving. "fuck at your thanksgiving dinner, can you calm down!?" I whispered as the class began to fill up with other students.

"Don't tell me to calm down! That's not the point. The point is you being a shitty fucking friend!

"We just-"

"No shut up!" She frantically snapped her head at the thought. "Regardless of what you guys did upstairs, it clearly wasn't to check up on me, right?" Tori's words looked genuine with each executed delivery as it tore me apart to know I made her feel this way.

"Tori it was just a lot going on, please, I'm sorry, just let me explain." My eyes began to water as I could my forehead beginning to profusely sweat.

"What's there to explain?" She coldly shrugs. "Your pathetic desperation for Castiel has clearly worked and now your right where he wants you. God you've become so fucking pathetic, it's actually insane." A tear slips out of my eye as she brutally continues. "The worst part is he's probably just talking to you because he feels bad for you."

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