12. Stew & Skyscrapers

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I winced at myself in the mirror as I buttoned my uniform closed, hopelessly stalling my shift in fear of whatever was about to happen. The thing that happened at school today sucked. What sucked even more was how I couldn't stop thinking about his hand wiping my tears away. Why did he do that? And why am I feeling bad for everything I said to him just because of it?

I can say something along the lines of maybe it will get better from here, but what's the point.

Everything has only gotten worse.

I walked out of the locker room with a deep breath and a practiced smile, still trying to greet the guests as I just made my way towards the elevator to get this shit over with.

I eventually reached the suite, the usual doors opening wide as my attention landed on a quite cheerful Lucy. She was speaking to a man who was dressed as a technician and had on a bright yellow helmet.

"So now that she's set up, I'll go ahead and give you the remote." The man spoke out as Lucy was attentively nodding her head. "It's just in case if you need it but Coleus works purely out of vocal recognition."

"Oh wow, how exciting." She smiled down at the remote as I stood up on the side. "Thank you!" They eventually say their goodbyes as she immediately beams brightly at me.

"Hello ma'am how are you." I tried my best to throw her a genuine smile as hers was effortless.

"My darling Shi, how lovely to see your adorable face! I'm doing quite marvelous." She walked beside me with an excited grin. "Would you mind doing me a favor?"

I quickly nodded. "Of course ma'am, anything."

"Okay great!" She waved, placing the remote on the kitchen counter. "I want you to say, Coleus turn on the air conditioning at exactly seventy degrees and update me on my heart rate." She whispered.

"Um, yea okay." I lightly coughed. "Coleus t-turn on the air conditioning for seventy degrees and update me on my heart rate."

All of a sudden, a clear female voice which sounded impeccably smooth began to speak out loud. "I have now set the air conditioner to seventy degrees. To update you regarding your current heart rate, it is currently at a steady sixty eight."

"Thanks?" I awkwardly chirped, genuinely surprised.

"Isn't that remarkable!?" Lucy was screaming and giggling in excitement, only to be cut short as her eyes landed on Castiel leaving his room to walk towards the kitchen. "To my advice, our father obliged to fund my husband's tech company and have agreed to even put Coleus in the Valiant suite.

"Y-yea I'm-" I was rapidly cut off by Lucy as she grabbed my hand to walk me over to the middle of the living room.

"Now say any command you want." She quietly clapped.

"Anything?" I asked as she gleefully nodded. "Um, Coleus play Before I Let Go by Maze."

"Playing Before I Let Go by Maze." Coleus announced as expensive sounding speakers began to boom out the song which did nothing but send me nostalgia.

"Wow." Lucy began to bob her head. "Quite groovy my love!"

"This is me and my mom's favorite song!" I smiled truthfully now. "We used to dance to it all the time."

"Well you and your mother have exquisite taste." She compliments. "Now besides playing music, Coleus can sense and control every aspect of this suite. The shower, the kitchen, even down to the angles of my bed! Not only will she make your job easier but you as well can enjoy Coleus." She ended as her beautifully painted nails lightly grabbed onto my chin and walked away. "Coleus start my shower at exactly eighty degrees."

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