A dance with the king

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Once they finished the ceremony they put the glasses onto the alter that was behind the thrones, it was the oath to the gods.

After that it was time for the dance, as they walked to the center of the room all eyes were on them, a dark and energetic song started playing and Aleksei took one of Theo's hands and lifted it, he put the other on Theo's waist and Theo put his free hand on Aleksei's shoulder.

They started moving, Aleksei's moves were as graceful as his fighting skills and he was leading the dance, saving Theo from embarassing himself.

Though it wasn't half as bad as Theo expected it to be, it was actually kind of nice, he liked it. Dancing with the demon prince, now king, felt natural. It was as if all those eyes that were on them suddenly went away somehow. It was just him and the beautiful demon in front of him. The beautiful demon who was just crowned king and who just made a blood pact to love him and only him forever. The beautiful demon who just gave Theo imortality.

The music got louder and faster, two more songs changed and some other people joined in quickly, some tried to switch partners and have a dance with the king but Aleksei wasn't paying attention to anyone but Theo.

They danced for who knows how long until they sat back down and before Theo could even process what happened Aleksei pulled him to sit on his lap, wich caused Theo to blush.

"If you aren't okay with it you don't have to." Aleksei said and put an arm around Theo.

"It's okay..." Theo said quietly, even though Aleksei was taller he was also very thin wich caused Theo to wonder how he was able to have him on his lap.

A few moments after somebody approched the throne, an older man and a young girl, Theo assumed she was his daughter. They both bowed.

"My king, my daughter here would like to speak with you." the man said.

"If she wants to speak to me I think she can say so on her own, and regarding the matter she wants to talk about I assumed it's my mate." Aleksei said coldly.

They were both stunned, they both knew that the new king was very straight-forward with things but this was something else.

"Well, yes my king, with all due respect, this human here used to be a hunter. He doesn't deserve to stand by your side." the girl spoke, even though she was scared her voice was loud and clear.

"And since when do you make those decisions? Last time I checked I was the king now. Get lost both of you." Aleksei said and than whispered to Theo "Warning for the future we have to put up with a bunch of pricks like this."

"They can't all be that bad, can they?" Theo asked.

"Well no, there is two people I tolerate within demon noblety but that's it. It's those two over there, in bright blue, the Pendragon twins." he pointed at said twins. Both were in big flowy dresses but one's hair reached the bottom of their back and the other's was cut short.

"What are their names?"

"The one with long hair is Tatiana and the one with short hair is Maria." the prince explained and Theo nodded again.

Just then another song started playing, a tune that was a lot more like songs Theo was used to hearing.

The nobles stopped dancing but lower ranked people like lords and ladies continued. Theo debated it for a bit but then got up and pulled Aleksei by the hand.

"Come on, it will be fun." he said and smiled.

Aleksei's eyes widened but he didn't resist, he let the hunter drag him across the room and started spinning around with him. It was much different from what the demon was used to, it wasn't any special steps or complicated tune, it was simple and fast and messy and exactly what Theo said, fun.

The people around them were shocked that their new king was dancing to something like that. Those were the songs of common people not royalty, but Aleksei didn't care. He liked the way it felt, free, while the song lasted he wasn't the demon king, he was just a simple boy dancing with another boy. His eyes locked on Theo's and he started laughing just the same way Theo was. Their laughter was childish and loud, so unlikely to the demon king. It was unlikely to the demon king but it broght fun to the boy he was under the weight of a crown.

Even when the song stopped Aleksei was still laughing with his mate.

As he was about to say something a sound of glass breaking was heared from the end of the room, like someone just shattered a window.

It was exactly that, the drunk man from before had thrown a chair out of a window and broke it. The whole room was looking at him and the crowd parted so Aleksei could see him.

The man took this as a sort of invitation and marched over to the throne.

Aleksei's eyes darkened, his laugher and smile fading and he took a quick look at his mother who was now standing.

Aleksei tried pushing his mate slightly behind himself but Theo didn't move.

As the man approched he looked less and less drunk, he stopped stumbling around, his back has straightened and his eyes cleared. By the time he was in front of them he completely changed.

His hair became black and long, tied in a brade going all the way to the middle of his tighs. His skin was dark but not as dark as Clarabelle's. High cheek bones and sharp jawline made his face look too serious for the smirk that was on his lips. Dark make-up was on his eyes and it made them stand out from his dark skin even more since they were all white, no colour at all. And his clothes changed too, but all you could see was a big dark blue cloak covering the man.

"Hello my love." he told Aleksei in a deep voice.

"My love? Last time I checked you tried to kill me." the prince spat back.

"Kill is such a strong word, I tried to make you more powerful." the man laughed a bit.

"I prefere not to be a walking corpse like you, how the fuck are you even alive?"

"Ah yes, you carved out my heart the last time we spoke, it might be confusing. You see the thing is, I hold enough power to keep me alive even without something as simple as a heart." the man pulled up his big sleevs and displayed runes of power all over them, but Theo never saw these runes before, they were red, as red as if he ripped his own skin to make them.

"Get lost. Guards!" Aleksei ordered.

Guards pushed out of the crowd and surrounded the man, who started laughing like a maniac, he took one look at the guards and run one of his arms over a rune on his neck and all guards just dropped dead, a symbol carved itself into their cheeks.

People around gasped and some pushed their lovers and children towards the door, trying to get them to run.

The man waved his hand in the air and the doors shut and the windows got iron bars on them, they were trapped.

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