An ending, but will it be a happy one?

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The people living their daily lives in Dean could hear the demonic roar of the dragon all the way from the Demon kingdom.

Lucien was having a drink in a pub when the earth shook and a rush of purple smoke could be seen spreading from the kingdom at an alarming speed.

In a matter of minutes it reached the village and as soon as people inhaled it they started coughing up blood and even pieces of flesh, until they dropped dead.

Lucien took a wet cloth and poured a powder from his pocket over it, put it over his mouth and nose and tried to get as far as he could, but after just minutes he too dropped to the ground, looking at the blood soaked cloth and realising that despite it all, the hunters failed. He died thinking he send Theo to his death.

On the other side of the mountains Brigitte was releasing purple smoke from her whole body, the smoke causing every creature that was not a pure demon to suffocate on their own blood and die.

The glass walls of the castle were protected with ages old magic, so it was the only place where the smoke wouldn't reach.

People started to panic and running into the castle, but the toxins were too strong and not a single soul made it into the castle.

The poisonous fog that settled onto the whole kingdom and to some surrounding villages and towns was to toxic it would take hundreds of thousands of years for it to clear out completely.

The streets of the once prosperous and lively demon kingdom quickly became filled with corpses and the smell of blood filled the air to the point where it you could taste it on your tongue when you inhale.

There was only two completely pure demons still living, only two completely immune to the poisonous smoke. One of them was Aleksei and the other one, suprsingly, Trottler. His family hasn't mixed their blood with any other then demon blood. All others were killed.

Aleksei saw it, through the dragon's eyes he saw from a high how the people he was supposed to protect, the people who trusted him, fell down one by one like puppets who's strings broke.

First she took his mother, then his crown, then she threathened his mate and now, Brigitte has succesfully killed almost every living creature in The demon kingdom. It filled Aleksei with such rage he wasn't even aware of what happened.

There was fire, a lot of it, so much the castle walls started melting. The people inside were exposed to the poisonous fog but luckily Ayana managed to open a portal and take them to safety.

There were four people left, with one of them being a dead man walking.

Nobody was really aware of how it happened or how long it lasted, but it ended with the dead man being dead for good and the witch being burnt.

The whole kingdom was in ruins, the black glass of the castle melted halfway down, and where the trone room used to be, stood a human boy with a sword in hand.

The boy was aproched by a dragon, who's form slowly turned into black clouds and from them emerged a pale and exhaused demon.

The two ran to each other across the few meters of nothing and embraced one another so tightly they both felt pain in their ribs.

Their small moment of happiness to see each other was short lasted however. The sword Theo has cast aside was floating in mid air and a formation of smoke was in front of it.

"The price you must pay is simpe. Your soul will be imprisoned in this sword until an equal prince is payed." the formation spoke and before the two could even utter a word Theo's body went limb in Aleksei's arms and the formation was gone.

Aleksei could only shake the cold body in his arms and scream out. The scream was so loud it shook the earth to it's core. The tears were so painful they stained the ground. The pain was so great the whole demon land froze over. Each and every sign of warmth died out that day. Each little sprout of life was frozen over.

The land was always connected to the king, and in that moment the king's very soul was ripped apart and frozen in time. He fell to the ground and yelled out, he screamed and shounted and cried but none of it would bring back the one person he loved.

That human boy was the only thing the demon king had left, the source of all warmth and kindness, and in that moment he was gone.

There was no light in his eyes, no smile on his lips, no colour in his cheeks. There was nothing. Just an empty shell.

It was in the middle of his sorrow that a new castle rose from the ground beneth them. The castle of blood red glass, with black thorns and white roses climbing up all the way to each tip of each new tower.

The new castle shattered the remains of the old one, and all the shattered pieces came together to make a coffin, a coffin of black glass, filled with black roses.

Aleksei's sorrow was unmatched, for days he just stayed on the floor of the new throne room, hugging the frozen, soulless body of hi mate.

Eventually, he placed Theo into the coffin, took the cursed sword and placed it over Theo's chest. He swore that he will take back Theo's soul, no matter the price he might be forced to pay.

Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades even, he stayed perfectly still. Standing over the coffin. His hair grew out, his clothes collected dust until moths started eating the fabric.

All that time, he has been thinking up the plan to take his revenge. He knew Brigitte wasn't working alone. He was thinking up his perfect straregy.

It took three hundred years for Aleksei, the demon king, to finally raise his head and speak.

"I swear, my love, I will bring you back. I told you I would burn down the world for you, and I will if that's what it takes." he spoke to the face frozen in time.

Trottler, his faithful servant, was standing behind him, all those long years he waited, taking care of the new castle all on his own.

"Prepare to leave for the human world Trottler." Aleksei announced.

"Yes, your highness." Trottler said with a bow.

Aleksei leaned down and whispered into the ear of the person who couldn't hear him "I apologize my love. I tried not to be the monster you would be ashamed of, but they took you away. They took away the one I hold most dear. I will not allow them to win, even if it means becoming the monster everyone fears, I will have you back."

Trottler stood in the door frame of the room, he knew what was to happen. Brigitte and her group, who refere to themselves as The council of Salem, were behind the attack on the crown. They were the one Aleksei wants revenge against.

Deep down, in his broken, black and cold heart, he vowed he will hunt them down to the last member, and he will find a way to bring back the one he loves.

History called him cruel, wicked, insane, ruthless, merciless. A monster. There was one thing they didn't know, and that was that the monster they fear was once a child crying out for help, but they all turned a blind eye.

Hi guyss! Thank you all for reading this story, I hope you all like it. There will be an epilogue and then the next story coneccted to this one. Again, thank you all for reading♡♡♡♡♡♡

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