Chapter 5 Start the Tasks

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After changing into the uniforms, they still keep their hats on as they walk towards the hall, Akari is waiting for them in the hallway as she says, "Look how well our Survey Corps uniform suits you! It's almost as if the captain had it tailored just for you."

"Yeah, we are surprised that it is comfortable as well." Serena adds.

"I see you've changed." Cyllene says. "Regarding your accommodations, you may continue to use the room you slept in last night. Now present yourself to the commander!"

Ash and Serena nod as they climb the stairs to the third floor, and they are surprised to see that the commander looks just like Professor Rowan except that he has black hair.

"I have been waiting for you!" He suddenly roars, causing them to be surprised. "I am Kamado, commander of the Galaxy Expedition Team! Hrrrm...So, you are Ash and Serena."

"Yes, sir!" Both of them exclaim.

"Hrrrm! I've been briefed on your situation - including how you fell from the rift in the sky. Now then..." He suddenly opens his arms. "Let's see what you're made of! Face me in combat!"

"What?" Ash and Serena can't believe what they hear, but they try to charge at him, only to be blocked easily and he throws them to the wall, and they fall to the ground with pain.

"Hrrrm! You've got vigor - I'll give you that! You need to work on your sumo technique, but I do see some potential..."

After managing to get back up, Kamado adds, "Don't expect a warm welcome from everyone! Naturally, some will be slow to trust an outsider who literally fell right out of the blue. The superstitious among us might see your arrival as a portent of disaster!"

"I guess you're right." Ash frowns.

"But you passed the trial that was put to you." Kamado says. "No matter how odd you may seem, you're part of Jubilife Village now. Dedicate yourself to the work of the Galaxy Expedition Team, and complete the Pokedex! But I warn you, Ash and Serena...Pokemon are terrifying creatures. Keep your wits about you as you work!"

"Okay." Ash and Serena say.

Once they get back to Cyllene's office, she says, "So the commander has also accepted you. But understand this...You begin as a No Star recruit among our ranks. In other words, you have to have no rank at all. Perform well as a member of the Survey Corps, and you will move up through the ranks."

Laventon says, "Indeed! You see, the more you add to the Pokedex, the higher rank will become. And working on the Pokedex will also, of course, bring you closer toward that goal of seek out every last Pokemon!"

"Here. You will need this." Cyllene gives them a recipe, and they notice that it is the recipe to craft Poke Balls. "And $3000 as well. You will have to buy the necessary materials."

"Okay...So we have to make our own Pokeballs as well..." Ash says.

"Akari. You are an expert at crafting, yourself. Teach our new recruit what he needs to know." Cyllene orders.

"Of course, Captain Cyllene. Now, as the experienced craftsperson here, let me explain a bit to start with. Crafting means making items with your own two hands. You can buy some items at the general store, but self-sufficiency is worth striving for! You can even make our most valuable tools: Poke Balls. Think where we'd be if we couldn't do that! Let's head to the craftworks."

"Just great...this is getting harder and harder." Serena mutters.

"I mean, we haven't crafted a Poke Ball before." Ash adds.

But as they walk out of the hall, they find a woman walking towards them, "Well done earning a place in our team. My name is Anthe. I'm the local clothier. The professor asked that I ready you a change of clothes, so here you go! I do hope they fit."

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