Chapter 36 Cobalt Coastlands

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As Ash, Serena, and Adaman arrive at Cyllene's office, Captain Cyllene says, "The next area for you to investigate will be the Cobalt Coastlands. It is farther afield than the Crimson Mirelands - much farther - and the path is long and trying. With your current rank, you should be capable of braving the Cobalt Coastlands. You know your mission. Investigate Firespit Island."

"Okay." Ash and Serena nod as they leave the office, only to see Irida waiting for them. "Irida? What are you doing here?" Serena asks.

"It is simple, I can't lose to this guy here, if he is traveling with you, then I should do the same as well. I know much more about Cobalt Coastlands than this guy does." Irida says.

"Here we go again." Adaman sighs. But Ash says, "Sure, it will be more interesting to know more about you."

"You're going to let her in the group, huh? Ash?" Adaman asks. Serena says, "Why not? The more the merrier."

Irida smiles, and then she says, "Cobalt Coastlands is a beautiful area, you'll know why when you get there."

"Really? Now I'm excited to see what kind of Pokemon we can find there." Ash says as Pikachu nods.

Before going to Cobalt Coastlands, they hear a voice, "Ah, if it isn't Ash and Serena."

They see Lian and he says, "Even Irida and Adaman. Though I suppose it's to be expected that I'd run into you in the village. Where are you going to study Pokemon next?"

Ash says, "Irida is going to show us around the Cobalt Coastlands."

"Really? Palina's certainly in a bit of a situation over there." Lian says.

"Palina?" Serena asks Irida, who replies, "She is the warden with the deceased noble Pokemon."

"She's a warden, and yet she has no noble to see to." Lian frowns. "There are even some people in the Pearl Clan that speak ill of her, though not to her face."

"Lian." Irida says to Lian, who flinches and says, "Oh, but do forgive me. Perhaps I shouldn't be airing dirty laundry. A piece of advice, then, as an apology for wasting your time! Some Pokemon are strongly affected by certain stones, which hold mysterious powers. With the right stone, you can even evolve some Pokemon. You need to look no further than Kleavor for proof of that!"

Ash notices that he is looking at Pikachu, and he says, "Pikachu refuses to become a Raichu, so don't think of asking me to use a Thunder Stone on it."

Adaman says, "Really? This is the first time I see a Pokemon who doesn't like the evolution."

"Don't worry. What I'm trying to say is basically this: if you and the Survey Corps want to learn all there is to know about the Pokemon of this region...then the stones you find throughout Hisui will be very important. There's even a tale of a stone that contains the power of creation - the very same power almighty Sinnoh used to create the universe! I trust you'll take my advice to heart and not underestimate how important stones can be. To help grind this fact into you. Here. I'll give you some rather handy stones and things I found."

He gives them two Grit Pebbles and three Grit Gravels, and then he says, "And should you want some stones that can help Pokemon evolve, I believe the Gingko Guild has them from time to time!"

Irida says, "He means those people over there." Ash and Serena look to see some people in yellow uniforms in front of the Galaxy Hall, and one of them looking like Volkner.

After Lian leaves, Adaman says, "Looks like your warden is also someone very capable."

"He is always capable." Irida says back.

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