Chapter 75 World Saving Part 2

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Dialga roars at them and Serena asks, "What are we going to do now?"

Kamado says, "All of you, we must vacate this-GAH! Forget the fancy talk! Book it! C'mon! We gotta make it back to the Summit Camp while we still can! We need to leave...before this other almighty Sinnoh decides it wants to fight us!"

Adaman says, "But, Commander-!"

"We can't just leave it here!" Irida adds.

"Ya dunce! Ya won't be any use to anybody if ya die up here on this mountain!" Kamado yells. "Whatta ya waitin' for?! I'm tellin' ya, we gotta get gone!"

Ash and Serena grit their teeth a little as they follow everyone back to the Summit Camp. And back in the Aether Foundation, Dawn and the others are also concerned. Goh says, "That makes sense, those two are fighting again..."

"It's a good thing that the Aether Foundation won't be affected by the space and time..." Lillie says as they look outside..."But for outside of the world..."

At the same time, Ash and the others are back at the Summit Camp, and Laventon says, "Such dreadful power...It's certainly beyond our current capabilities to survey such a creature. I'm amazed you even managed to stay on your feet before it, Ash and Serena! And did you notice the energy pouring out of the rift? It seems likely that a buildup of this same energy was what caused the strange lightning that threw the noble Pokemon into their frenzied states..."

Irida says, "So the two clans truly were following different almighty Sinnoh, but both were real...What a shocking turn of events...To say nothing of the shock of hearing the commander speak so differently!"

Kamado says, "I must apologize, from the bottom of my heart...To the both of you, as fellow leaders...You saw the truth that I could not. You never abandoned your trust in Ash and Serena. And to you, Ash and Serena...I acted on ill-considered presumptions and drove you from the Galaxy Expedition Team, forcing you two to face great hardship alone...And despite all that, you still strove to save all of Hisui!"

"This is not just about Hisui, this is also concerning the whole world, thus we need all the help to stop it once and for all." Ash says.

"Well, it's not like we could just sit back and ignore the space-time rift." Adaman adds.

"And we understood, Commander, that you had reasons to act as you did." Irida agrees.

"Commander, might I suggest we return to the matter at hand? We've left things in quite a state up at the temple." Laventon says.

"That's the stuff. Mr. Professor! You'd rather face what's in front of us than dwell on the past, huh?" Adaman asks. "Just what I'd expect from a real scientist!"

"A dependable attitude indeed." Kamado nods. "Yes, let us move on. No need to speak any further about my rash actions. Not to mention my loss of composure...It seems that having Ash and Serena about has been a good influence on all."

"That's only natural. Ash and Serena are strong enough to defeat even this new opponent single-handedly!" Irida adds.

"Whoa, whoa! Slow down! Did you forget that the Red Chain broke?" Adaman asks.

"We'll be all right - armed with the knowledge mighty Palkia imparted to me!" Irida says.

"Palkia? The Pokemon that talked to you?" Adaman asks.

"Yes! It told me its name - but that's not all. It also told me this...The stone of creation's beginning. The Chain of red. The vessel of humankind's invention. Unite these three, and calm the chaos now disturbing the flow of time. And then, mighty Palkia must go with us back to the temple, it said."

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