Chapter 10 Night Time Captures

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While waiting for the Heights Camp to be constructed, Ash decides to fill out the Pokedex while Serena goes back to Galaxy Hall to do some requests. Serena is now looking at the board as Serena says, "It seems several people have spotted a Drifloon playing with one of the village children. Miki from the Security Corps can tell us more. So I have to find this Miki person."

She walks towards the gate and finds Miki there, she says, "So, you've accepted my request to look into that Drifloon? I can't tell you what a big help that is!"

"So what is the deal?" Serena asks.

"Let me fill you in. We'd heard reports that a Drifloon was playing with one of the village children over on Prelude Beach in the evenings. This seemed like odd behavior for a Pokemon, so all of us in the Security Corps worried its true intentions were to harm the child in some way. Thankfully all the village children were safe and accounted for when we went to check on them, but there was one curious thing...None of them seemed to know anything about a Drifloon! But, well, so many people from the village have reported seeing the Pokemon - we can't simply pretend there isn't an issue here. Since this calls for some investigation, I thought the Survey Corps would be our best bet!"

"Okay, so we need to find out the truth behind the Drifloon and the child it's been playing with." Serena says. "But Drifloon is a Ghost-type Pokemon, right? I heard that it is one of the Ghost-type Pokemon that appears in the daytime. And according to the Arc Phone, they are at the beach."

As she rushes towards the beach, they find the boy and the Drifloon. The boy yells, "Survey Corps' guy! Over here!"

The Drifloon is tangling the boy's arm, and he yells, "Hey, um, I wanna go home now..but Drifloon won't let me go! Can you help me? Please?"

Serena nods as he has Shinx uses Thunder Shock to causes Drifloon to let go of the boy's hand, and then it flies away. "Yaaay! Now I can finally go home!"

"So did he hurt you?" Serena asks.

"No, Drifloon didn't mean to be bad." The boy says. "It always played together with me - it's really friendly! So...I kept it a secret from everyone."

"Okay, um...What's your name?" Serena asks.

"Oh! My name's Taki. See you around, Survey Corps girl!" Then the boy runs off, much to their confusion.

As she walks back to Miki, she says, "I see you've been looking into that worrisome Drifloon for us. What have you found out?"

"We find that a boy named Taki is playing with the Drifloon, he doesn't want it to get into trouble, that's why he keeps it a secret." Serena says.

"All the same, he was in considerable danger! Without your help, goodness knows where Drifloon would have taken him by now...I'd be remiss if I didn't follow up on this troubling incident. I'll urge Captain Zisu to post extra Security Corps guards out on Prelude Beach at once! For now, I'm thankful that the situation was resolved without any harm. Thank you, truly, for helping us keep everyone."

Then she receives some Stardusts as thanks, and then she goes back to do another mission.

As for Ash, he is still in Obsidian Fieldlands as he is training Wurmple, after evolving one to Silcoon and into Beautifly, they find that it is getting dark.

"For some reason, the daytime and nighttime come so fast...I mean, it is now nighttime already." Ash looks into the sky and then he evolves his other Wurmple into a Cascoon, and then Dustox.

Ash sighs, "Now we have four more entries completed."

Silcoon's Research Tasks: Number caught:1,2,4,10,15 Number caught during daylight hours:1,2,5,10,20 Number defeated:1,3,6,12,25 Number of you've defeated with Flying-type moves:1,2,4,6,10 Times you have seen it use Poison Sting:1,3,6,12,25 Number you've evolved:1,2,3

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