Chapter 8 Side Requests

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As Ash and Serena stop in front of the items shop, they find a woman named Marli, and she says, "You're the newcomers who fell from the sky! Are you heading outside the village?"

"We are." Ash and Serena nod.

"Of course, you are - the Survey Corps must have to get out and about to compile that "Pokedex" book they're working on, right? Well, on your way, kindly do me a favor: find out all about Starly! Pokemon certainly are terrifying creatures...but when I see Starly, I feel simply...whole! Not that I have the least desire to actually TOUCH one, mind you. Please let me see the Starly's entry in that Pokedex the moment you've completed it." Marli says.

"We have already completed it, you can see it." Serena shows the Pokedex to the woman, who reads about the Pokemon's entry.

"Hmm...Wait one moment - male and female Starly have different appearances?! Let me see..." Marli mutters. "So the markings on their foreheads are different sizes! Incredible - I had no idea! Thank you for letting me read its Pokedex entry. Now that I know more about it...I imagine I might finally bring myself to touch a Starly! Please, if you can find it in your heart - catch a Starly and bring it to me! There's not a Pokemon in the world so adorable as Starly, I tell you."

"Well, all Pokemon are unique." Ash says as they rush to the pasture to get one Starly, and after showing the woman a Starly, she says, "The smooth curl of the feather on its head...Those lovely, round eyes...Oh, it's lovely through and through! I adore it down to the last feather! Well, hello there, Starly!"

The Starly just chirps, and Ash asks, "So do you want to pet it?"

"NOOO!" Just then, the woman rushes far from the Starly, as she says, "I-I think I'm quite satisfied just looking at it after all! Besides, it might let loose a move...Who outside of the Survey Corps and Security Corps could actually do something so frightful as approach a Pokemon willingly?"

"I think we are still in the is no wonder..." Serena frowns.

"All the same, I must thank you for showing me this sweet Starly. Some people will see a Pokemon and simply flee on sight, you know. Perhaps being able to read all about Pokemon in that Pokedex might put them more at ease..."

She gives them 10 Poke Balls as rewards, which they already have a lot of them already. Then they decide to find another man named Toshi, who is standing in front of a Photography Studio.

"I know Shinx's ears had odd markings on the insides...but what were they?" He turns around and faces Ash and Serena. "No use! I can't remember. This'll keep me up all night..."

"What's the matter?" Ash asks.

"Hey, aren'tcha with the Survey Corps? If you catch a Shinx, could you show it to me? I've gotta see one with my own eyes!"

"Why do you want to see a Shinx?" Serena asks.

"Please! I can't remember for the life of me what those ears look like - it's drivin' me up the wall!" Toshi panics.

"Fine." Ash says as he shows the Shinx, and he says, "All righty. Let's have a peek at these round ears."

As he bends down and watches closely, he says, "That's it! Its ears have that yellow cross pattern on them - kinda like a star! Can't tell you what a relief this is. Felt like I had a bone stuck in my throat, only the throat's my brain and the bone's a thought! Thanks for helpin' me get that bone out!"

He gives them three potions as thanks since they really need them. And then they go to the guard to the named Dorian, as he also has a quest for them.

"Can Pokemon of the same species really come in different sizes? I know the professor said they do, but I'll have a hard time believing it unless I see a different-sized one lined up side by side. If there really are Buizel bigger than mine, I'd love to see them alongside the one I have, for comparison's sake."

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