Chapter 87 Gratitude and Chase

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Once they get back to the Jubilife Village, they quickly rush to the hairdresser and find Arezu, Mai, and Calaba. They find that Arezu and Mai are waiting outside as Arezu says, "Oh, Ash and Serena! Mistress Calaba's waiting for you! C'mon in!"

After entering the store, they see that Calaba is talking to an elder woman. Arezu says, "I heard all about those massive mass outbreaks. I bet they're some sort of Pokemon festival! It's like what I heard from a customer who came here from Johto. Apparently, on nights with a full moon, Clefairy get together and dance!"

"Yeah, we were the ones who survey about that and tell him the news." Ash says.

"It's basically a gathering of Pokemon that only happens when certain conditions are met. Sounds pretty similar to massive mass outbreaks, don'tcha think?" Arezu asks.

"So you mean massive mass outbreaks could be a festival for Pokemon to enjoy the rainstorms?" Adaman asks.

"It seems to me you're still biting your tongue, Arezu." Mai sighs. "Have you heard anything else?"

"Well, I did hear something weird from a Diamond Clan friend of mine..." Arezu says.

"What is it?" Irida asks.

"They say they saw a mass outbreak of alphas in the Crimson Mirelands! But seriously, do alphas ever gather in groups? My friend must've made a mistake, right?"

"Alphas grouping together...If this is part of a massive mass outbreak, it sounds dangerous." Mai says.

"Yeah, even the Lady of the Ridge would be no match for a mass outbreak of alphas..." Arezu nods.

"It's natural to worry about the unknown." Calaba says. "That's why Ash and Serena are investigating this for us, no? To put our concerns to rest."

"You're right! It seems our next step is to investigate the Crimson Mirelands." Mai says.

Ash looks at the Arc Phone and says, "But there are no thunderstorms in the Crimson Mirelands yet, so that means we still have time to do some missions in the Obsidian Fieldlands."

The others nod as they decide to head back to Obsidian Fieldlands and do the requests there. They manage to find Medi of the Diamond Clan standing at the Fieldlands Camp. And she says, "Aha! You must be Ash and Serena, right? Hello! I heard about you from Mai! Thank you for taking on my request. I'll get right to the point. Once, when I was little, I got lost here in the Obsidian Fieldlands. I was wandering around in tears when I stumbled across a field of beautiful flowers. That's where I met it - a Pokemon I'd never seen before. If gave me a flower and then set off walking, as if to guide me I followed it. And it led me back to a place I recognized! Thanks to that Pokemon, I made it home safely! But I never got to properly thank it. I'd like to find it again and tell it how grateful I am!"

"So you want us to help you find that field of flowers, is that right?" Ash asks.

"Here - this is the only clue I've got." Medi takes out a flower, and Ash immediately recognizes it.

"This is Gracidea!" Ash says.

"Indeed. It's the same flower like the one that Pokemon gave me. Please find the field of Gracidea flowers here in the Obsidian Fieldlands for me!" Medi says.

The group nods as they try to find the Gracidea Fields, but they can't find any of them. But just as they arrive at Floraro Gardens, they find a huge field with withered flowers.

"Don't tell me this field..." Serena covers her mouth with shock.

"Look at all those flowers, they are...withered..." Adaman says as he holds one flower.

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