Chapter 47 Post Cobalt Coastlands Part 6

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Before getting back to Jubilife Village, they get the news from Professor Laventon that they can get the sixth rank. So after getting back to the Jubilife Village, they go to Captain Cyllene and report her about the news.

"Hm. You have made progress. It seems you have earned yourself a star." After giving the stars, she says, "Have this as well. It is a further recipe you'll need for crafting."

They get recipes for Ultra Balls and Max Potions, and they are delighted to have those. After getting out, since there are still some time before having dinner with Laventon and Akari, they decide to do another request from the board.

"Almous from the Agriculture corps thinks he's discovered something about Combee's honey! Speak to the good fellow and help him out with his research." After reading the request, they also go outside to find Zeke again, he says, "There you are, I've been looking for you! My sister Wanda went off to the Cobalt Coastlands, and she never came back!"

"Again?" Ash asks.

"I've asked her fellows in the Security Corps to be on the lookout, but they haven't found her...I'm so worried. Do you think you can find her? You can use that old kercheif of hers again, if you need to track her down by her scent. Please find Wanda again for me! She should be somewhere in the Cobalt Coastlands!"

Irida asks, "So we also need to find someone missing?"

"This is the second time after all." Adaman replies.

They find Almous in his quarters, and he says, "Listen - I've been gathering Combee honey for work, and I'm starting to think that their honey's flavor varies between groups of Combee. I'd like to look into the differences more. But that'd mean collecting honey from Combee hives in all sorts of areas, and that's a bit too much for this lone fella. That's where you come in! I'd love it if you could bring me Combee from three different areas. First, get me a Combee from Grueling Grove, would you?"

Ash and Serena are now stunned as they don't remember which Combee they catch are from Grueling Grove. But of all the Combee they catch, they manage to find one and bring it to Almous.

"I'll just have myself a little sample of its honey..." Almous says as he tastes the honey, and he says, "That's exactly what honey should be. Tastes like a distilled drop of nutritious, forest-y goodness! But I get the feeling it doesn't quite taste like honey from other areas... I'll make sure to memorize this flavor. Let's move on - two more places to check! The next Combee I'm after lives on Aipom Hill. Could you bring me one from there?"

Ash and Serena take the second Combee to Almous, and he also tastes the sample of honey. "Not too heavy on the sweetness. Just honey, plain and simple...and good enough to serve as a special treat on its own! This one definitely tasted different from the Grueling Grove honey! I'll make sure to memorize this flavor. All right, here's the last of these errands: Could you bring me a Combee from Ramanas Island?"

They also recognize this one since they know for sure it is hard to catch one on Ramanas Island. After bringing it to Almous, he tastes the honey. "This type of honey just begs to be stirred into a cup of tea! Must be something different about the flowers...So Combee in different areas make differently flavored honey! What a delightfully mysterious bunch they are! Just think how many different clusters of Combee there are in the Obsidian Fieldlands alone. I'm getting the urge to go collect more honey! Thanks for helping me confirm my suspicions. Have some of my hand-selected Dazzling Honey!"

And they get 3 King's Leaves and 3 Dazzling Honey from the man as rewards, and then they do the last request for today. After getting back to Cobalt Coastlands, they use Ursaluna to find Wanda on the island close to the Alpha Octillery. She says, "Oh, Ash and Serena! You came to find me?! I got the old heave-ho from this Machop, see, and - SPLASH! It was right into the sea for me. And then I couldn't swim back to the shore on my own, so I was just! Can you help me get back home?"

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