Chapter 43 Post Cobalt Coastlands Part 2

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Right now Ash and Serena are surfing on the waters of Tranquility Cove, which is where Eastern Shellos located. Adaman and Irida decide to stay on shore since Basculegion can only bring two people. On the way, they find some Pokemon like Mantykes as they decide to work on it.

"Those jumps sure make it hard to capture..." Ash says.

"I agree." Serena adds.

Mantyke's Research Tasks: Number caught:1,2,4,10,15 Number of small specimens caught:1,2,3,5,7 Number you've caught without being spotted:1,2,4,6,10 Number defeated:1,2,4,10,15 Number of you've defeated with Electric-type moves:1,2,4,6,10 Times you have seen it use Water Pulse:1,3,6,12,25 Number you've evolved:1

Hisui Dex Entry No.164 Mantyke: The Kite Pokemon: Water- and Flying-type. Though ball-like in shape, this Pokémon is a proficient swimmer. I have discovered that if a Mantyke spends much time with schools of Remoraid, it will eventually achieve evolution.

And close to Mantyke, there are Remoraids swimming by, Ash and Serena know that this Pokemon is what causes Mantyke to evolve into Mantine.

Remoraid's Research Tasks: Number caught:1,2,4,10,15 Number you've caught without being spotted:1,2,4,6,10 Number defeated:1,3,6,12,25 Number of you've defeated with Grass-type moves:1,2,4,6,10 Times you have seen it use Charge Beam:1,3,6,12,25 Times you have seen it use Ice Beam:1,3,6,12,25 Number you've evolved:1

Hisui Dex Entry No.146 Remoraid: The Jet Pokemon: Water-type. It Spits water from its mouth with incredible accuracy. It captures Burmy by shooting them down off the branches from which they dangle.

"Look! Basculin! It's getting away!" Serena yells as they try to chase after the Pokemon before it dives underwater. And they manage to capture a couple more in the end.

Basculin's Research Tasks: Number caught:1,2,4,10,15 Number of large specimens caught:1,2,3,5,7 Times you have seen it use Wave Crash:1,3,8,20,40 Times you have seen it use Double-Edge:1,3,8,20,40 Number you've evolved:1

Hisui Dex Entry No.166 Basculin (White-Striped Form): The Hostile Pokemon: Water-type. Though it differs from other Basculin in several respects, including demeanor—this one is gentle—I have categorized it as a regional form given the vast array of shared qualities.

"So we won't be able to find red and blue stripped forms in Hisui." Ash says.

"So how are we going to evolve this thing?" Serena asks.

"According to Professor Oak, we will have to let it take 294 recoil damage in total without fainting. Lucky for us, there is a move called Wave Crash that can help us out." Ash says.

"Are you serious? Does this Pokemon even have that many health?" Serena asks.

"Well, we have Potions that we can help." Ash says.

After several tries of taking damage, Basculin finally evolves into a Basculegion, because it is a female, it looks different from the Noble Pokemon they are riding.

Basculegion's Research Tasks: Number caught:1,2,3,4,5 Times you have seen it use Wave Crash:1,3,8,20,40 Times you have seen it use Shadow Ball:1,3,6,12,25 Times you've seen it use a strong style move:1,3,8,20,40 Times you've seen it use an agile style move:1,3,8,20,40

Hisui Dex Entry No.167 Basculegion: The Big Fish Pokemon: Water- and Ghost-type. Evolved from Basculin by taking 294 recoil damage. Clads itself in the souls of comrades that perished before fulfilling their goals of journeying upstream. No other species throughout all Hisui's rivers is Basculegion's equal.

24. Ash's Hisui StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora