Chapter 45 Post Cobalt Coastlands Part 4

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Back at the Jubilife Village, they find a woman named Netta at the Pastures. She says, "Hey, I hear you're quite the Pokemon expert! I was wondering, do you know anything about a Pokemon that has two tail fins? I saw one swimming along the other day, fluttering its two fail tins behind it. It looked so lovely - I was captivated right away! I really want to see that Pokemon again, but this time I'd like to get a good look at it up close."

Ash and Serena know they are talking about Finneon, so they decide to show her the Pokemon. Netta says, "The way it wiggles its fins is so adorable...It's like they're fluttering in the wind! You've outdone yourself on this one. Thanks so much for taking on my request! From now on, you Survey Corps folks have my full support. Keep giving it your all out there!"

"Thanks." Serena says, and they get a Star Piece in return.

And when they go back to Obsidian Fieldlands, they find a man named Hiemo at Ramanas Island, he says, "Wha-! You've got Pokemon with you? What are the odds? Fate must have my back today, bringing you here! Look, I know we just met, but would you do something for me? I'd love it if you could bring me that Pokemon...Ah, what's its name again? Well, the one with a scythe on each arm!"

"Sure." Ash says.

"Excellent. I had a feeling you'd say that!" Hiemo says, but then Adaman asks, "Why do you need a Pokemon like that?"

"Hm? Never mind why I need it, leader. Just bring me that Pokemon with a scythe on each arm!" Hiemo says the last line towards Ash and Serena.

Ash and Serena manage to bring a Scyther for the man since it is what he wants, and after that, he says, "Look at those keen blades. They'll make short work of this!"

He turns around and watches the flower fields, "You see the Ramanas roses blooming all over this island? I have to gather every last one! I've been trying to pluck all of them myself. Having this - ah, yes - Scyther's help will make things much smoother!"

"Wait just a second, are you telling me you're going to take all the roses?" Irida asks with shock.

"They're for my wife, y'see! She told me she wanted to fill our garden with these Ramanas roses. So I'm gathering every last one here to fill that garden right up for my darling dear!"

"You're taking this too far." Adaman says to the man. "This is not how to do it."

"What? Seriously?" The man says with shock, and Adaman continues, "What she means is to plant some using the seeds of the Ramanas Roses."

"Well, that was a pretty severe misunderstanding..." Hiemo frowns. "I'm glad you came along before I plucked every rose on this island! I'll just bring some of their seeds home for us to raise together. Take care!"

After leaving, he gives them a Seed of Mastery, and when they're done, they head back to Jubilife Village as they also want to check the requests boards. Lucky for them, there is only one request at this time.

"Floaro from the Construction Corps is looking for some advice about evolving his Eevee. Lend an ear to the old chap and see if you can be of any assistance." Ash says.

"Hey, didn't we just meet him a while ago? The one who made muffins?" Serena asks.

"Yeah, I wonder what is going on with the Eevee..." Ash mutters.

As they get to the house, they find Floaro without an Eevee, he says, "Ohhh, stars above! Where's he gone?! Survey Corps kids! Listen! Remember the Eevee I befriended with the help of some Jubilife Muffins? Well, he's vanished! I was hoping to get some advice on evolving him, but I can't evolve the little guy if he's gone. Please! Help me find Eevee!"

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