Chapter 58 Alabaster Icelands

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The next morning, Ash and Serena meet up with Adaman and Irida at their quarters, and Adaman says, "Isn't it nice getting up early?"

Irida groans, "Is it? It's not as if getting up early changes what you can do with the day."

"Yes, it does! It opens up possibilities...such as responding to Commander Kamado's invitation today in a timely manner!" Adaman says.

"Well, I got that same invitation, and I had to wake up even earlier than you to run all the way here for it!" Irida says.

"Come on. No need to grouse so much over a nice little early wake-up." Adaman says as he turns to Ash and Serena, "Are you coming, too? I'm sure we all can guess what the commander wants with us."

"Yes, do come. Galaxy Hall is quite close anyway." Irida says.

Ash and Serena nod, and Serena asks, "Big sister Irida, we did get to see the Diamond Settlement, but where is the Pearl Settlement?"

"Oh, it is a really far away place from here." Irida says. "You'll know it soon."

Ash and Serena are still confused, but they decide to see what Kamado is up to. Kamado says, "You've now quelled the frenzy of four nobles."

" wasn't easy..." Ash mutters, "I guess there is a fifth one?"

"When word of these frenzies arrived from all over Hisui, I feared what would become of us." Irida says. "But here we are, already preparing to quell the final noble."

"Yeah, who would've dreamed some strangers who tumbled out of the sky would be our salvation?" Adaman asks. "Life never does stop surprising you."

"The only lord left to be quelled is Avalugg, which lives in the Alabaster Icelands." Kamado says.

Ash and Serena widen their eyes as they know for sure that Avalugg is also one of the Pokemon from Kalos, and Serena remembers how Ash struggles to defeat Gym Leader Wulfric's Avalugg for the first time.

"He is also the largest of the nobles, according to what Irida told me." Kamado says. "Your mission is to quell Avalugg, the final lord! And perhaps in doing so, we may trigger some change in the space-time rift as well!"

"You bet." Ash and Serena nod. Adaman says, "Avalugg may be the Pearl Clan's noble, but my clan and the Galaxy Team will have to step up to resolve this, too - for the sake of a brighter future!"

"Then let us all go to the cold reaches of the Alabaster Icelands." Irida says as Kamado asks to speak to Ash and Serena alone.

"No matter how many of these frenzied Pokemon you may quell, the fact remains that you are strangers to our world. No small number of people still regard you with suspicion and distrust. The most you can hope for is to gain the trust of as many as possible, and to do that, you must prove yourself through your actions."

Ash and Serena nod as they leave the office, but just as they meet up with Adaman and Irida on the second floor, they hear a scream on the first floor.

"That's Captain Cyllene!" Ash says as they rush to their office, only to see that she is on the ground as a Wurmple crawling past.

"A-Abra! Teleport this Wurmple outside! At once!" Cyllene says, and Abra manages to teleport the bug away. After noticing the shocked faces of four people, Cyllene quickly rushes back to her seat and says, "Ahem. So. You're to survey the Alabaster Icelands next. This is the most treacherous clime you'll face in all Hisui."

Then she stands up and says, "But you have made progress. It seems you have earned yourselves a star." Cyllene gives them their seventh star, and they also get the recipes for Gigaton Ball. Un Ultra Ball version of Heavy Balls.

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