Chapter 85 Back to Jubilife

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After getting back to Jubilife Village, the guard Ress comes to them and asks, "Ash and Serena! Hey, Ash and Serena! Have you heard? There've been reports that a huge shadow appeared in the Cobalt Coastlands and then just...vanished without a trace."

Laventon turns to Ash and Serena and asks, "Ash and Serena, you must tell me...You went to the Temple of Sinnoh with Volo, correct? What exactly happened...?"

"Turns out Volo is a bad guy..." Serena says as they explain everything to Laventon, who is surprised to hear what they have endured.

"I see...In that case, the shadow in the Cobalt Coastlands may be none other than Giratina, the Pokemon said to have once been banished to the reverse side of our world. I do believe this calls for a survey...The Cobalt Coastlands are pretty vast. I hope you have some idea where to look!"

Ash and Serena nod, but they decide to see if there are new missions in the Galaxy Hall, only to find Delia and Cogita there. Delia rushes to Ash and hugs him. "Ash, Serena. Are you two alright?"

"Don't worry, Mom. I'm fine. But what are you two doing here?" Ash asks.

"We've just been told of the foul plan Volo had concocted." Cogita sighs. "Well, think no more on that scoundrel, he got what he deserved in the end. Just another tale of passion burning too bright and consuming its bearer. That is what happens, if you allow it to."

She turns to Ash and Serena, "But what of you? Are you making progress with your...what do you call studies of Pokemon? Surveying, was it?"

"Well, it's going all right." Ash says. "Just a few more to finish."

"I see. Well, Hisui still holds more fascinating Pokemon. Shall I speak to you of one of them?" Cogita asks.

"What Pokemon?" Serena asks.

"Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus." Ash widens his eyes as he remembers the three of them, considering they are Unova Legendary Pokemon and Team Rocket were trying to get their hands on it.

Ash says, "Then if that's the case, please tell me Tornadus."

"Ah, yes, Tornadus...In every direction it flies, stirring up tremendous storms as it goes. When a blizzard batters the Alabaster Icelands, Tornadus may be about."

"What about Thundurus?" Adaman asks as both Irida and Adaman are confused about the three Pokemon.

"Now, Thundurus - as it flies around, it fires bolts of lightning every which way. When a rainstorm lashes the Cobalt Coastlands, Thundurus may be about."

"And Landorus?" Irida asks.

"Ah, yes, Landorus - the Pokemon hailed as the Guardian of the Fields. It seems it can be glimpsed in the Obsidian Fieldlands. Perhaps you'd be so good as to catch it for me?"

"Maybe." Serena replies. "We will need to research all three of them as well."

"Though it is hard to believe that Legendary Pokemon from the Unova Region are here as well..." Ash adds.

"I know not why these three have chosen to show themselves. Perhaps the cause lies with the space-time rift...or simply with their own whims. I suppose they're stirring up storms and casting bolts of lightning may trouble you aplenty, but nature has need of such things. If you wish to know more, you'd best study the Pokemon for yourself. When you've completed entries in your Pokedex for Landorus, Tornadus, and Thundurus, come and speak with me."

After that, Cogita leaves the hall, Delia says, "I have also heard that you'll be able to go back home with us, right? Your friends are waiting for you."

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