Chapter 34 Post Crimson Mirelands Part 6

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Using Ursaluna's smell, they find Wanda at the Gapejaw Bog. Ash asks, "Are you Wanda?"

She says, "P-people! Real, live human beings! Oh, thank goodness! I was on my way back to the base camp when I got attacked by some wild Pokemon...I managed to get away from them, but I got completely lost when I was running,! Can you tell me how to get back home?!"

"Sure, the Bogbound Camp is over there, you can see it if you continue to walk that path." Serena shows her the directions.

"I see, thank you so much!" But she starts to walk the other path, and Ash says, "Not that way! This way!"

"Right, of course! I knew you meant this direction!" Wanda says as she walks the right path. Ash and Serena are still concerned as they decide to follow the girl. Once they arrive back at the Bogbound Camp, they see Professor Laventon and he checks their Pokedex, after that, they are sure they can go to the fifth rank once they report to Captain Cyllene.

After getting back to the Galaxy Hall, they find Zeke and Wanda, as Zeke says, "Wanda made it back home safe. Am I ever glad I asked you...You're just as good as everyone says you are! Wanda is still new to the Security Corps, you understand. And she's a bit flighty at the best of times, so I can't help but worry about her. If it's not asking too much, do you think you could continue to keep an eye on her?"

"Oooh, stop it, Zeeky! You're embarrassing me! I just got unlucky this time - that's all it was!" Wanda complains.

"That's what you'd have me believe, but ever since we were kids, the instant I took my eyes off of you, you'd be lost somewhere in the bushes!" Zeke replies.

"Well, anyway, Ash and Serena, I do appreciate all your help. So thank you from me, too!" Wanda sighs as she gives them 3 Stardust. After that, they go into Captain Cyllene's office and report the rank-up.

"Hm. You have made progress. It seems you have earned yourself a star." After giving the stars, she says, "Have this as well. It is a further recipe you'll need for crafting."

They get a recipe for Wing Balls, which are the stronger version of Feather Balls. Adaman says to Ash and Serena, "So you two are fifth-star members. That's a good thing to know."

"Yeah, we'll reach the top and become the very best." Ash says, "Right, Serena?"

"Right." Serena replies.

And they find a woman named Risa in the basement of the Galaxy Hall, she is muttering, "That nostalgic and unmistakable fragrance...If only I could smell it again. I wonder if the herbs from my home region can be found here in Hisui as well..."

She notices Ash and Serena as she says, "Oh, you two are from the Survey Corps, right? Maybe you've seen what I'm looking for - it's an herb that looks like a bluish vine. I've heard it clings to a specific Pokemon. Please let me know if you manage to catch a Pokemon that has herbs that look like blue vines hanging off it!"

"That sounds like a Tangela." Ash says. "We do have one in our party."

After sending it out, she says, "Just look at it! It's a solid lump of vines! And this aroma...This is the scent I remember! Yes! THESE are the herbs from my home! I didn't expect the Pokemon to be so absolutely covered in herbs - I mean, vines. And...are the vines moving? I wonder what the Pokemon itself looks like underneath all those..."

Ash and Serena didn't think of that as well, but Risa just says, "Anyway, thank you for finding it!" She rewards them with 5 Smoke Bombs and 2 Exp. Candies S. "Don't worry, I'm only going to take a little bit of your vines to use as herbs." Then she realizes, "Oh, I have an idea! If I lived with a Pokemon like you, I'd be able to enjoy this aroma every day!"

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