Chapter 30 Post Crimson Mirelands Part 2

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After getting back to Jubilife Village, they find Beni waiting for them. He says, "Found her by the scent of my mochi, did you? Of course you did. When you have my level of skill, your handiwork can be recognized from a mile away. Remember to be thankful for getting to eat such masterful mochi when you come for dinner later."

"We'll do that later." Ash says.

"But first, don't you owe Kamado a report? Your meal can wait." Beni says.

After that, they go into the Galaxy Hall and meet Kamado, who says, "So you successfully calmed Lilligant."

"Indeed. Those two sure are helpful." Adaman replies to Kamado, who nods, "Excellent. There may well be times when the Galaxy Team will be forced to fight against Pokemon, but it is all for the sake of creating a new home for ourselves, free from war and strife! Strangers fall into our world from a rift in space-time...Then frenzies are induced by strange lightning, which likewise falls from that very same rift...But you have no connection to the lightning. Isn't that right?"

"We don't." Ash says.

"We may need to investigate the rift itself to prove your motives are beyond impugning." Kamado says.

After that, they leave the Galaxy Hall to complete some missions they have to do, first, they go back to Anise in her house to give her the Petilil.

"Ahhh yes, there's no mistaking these lovely leaves. This precious darling is the one we need! Now then, Petilil, my dear, would you be so kind as to share a few of your leaves with us?"

Petilil nods, but then Shinon comes back into the house and asks, "Hello again! Did you find that plant I asked you for?" But she jumps as she sees the Petilil. "A Pokemon?"

"Petilil here is just sharing its leaves so we can make our medicine, Shinon. No need to panic." Anise replies.

"B-but...huh? The medicine ingredients came from this...this Pokemon the whole time? You know how scared I am of Pokemon! I'm sorry, but I just can't make this medicine anymore!" Shinon says.

Anise sighs and says, "This phobia of yours has gone on long enough. Pokemon scare you because you know nothing of them, yes? But your ignorance should worry you far more than the unknown, my dear."

She turns to Ash, Serena, and Adaman as she says, "The Galaxy Team even set up the Survey Corps so we could all learn more about Pokemon. Would you have their efforts to go to waste?"

Shinon also looks at the three and says, "I understand what you're saying, but...I can't just get over my fear right away. Though I guess...I guess the Survey Corps works hard out there in the wild too, even if it's scary..." She starts to regain some confidence and says, "OK. I'll do my best to get over my fear."

She walks towards Petilil and says, "I'll start by learning more about this Pokemon and really getting to know it!"

Then she gives Ash and Serena three Fine Remedy and 5 Hopo Berries as thanks for the requests. Adaman says, "So you do requests, and you get some rewards from it, huh?"

Serena says, "Yeah, that's what we like to do. We can't just leave someone alone without helping."

"You two are so kind, not many people here would do that." Adaman sighs. "No wonder some people really like you two."

"I guess so." Ash says.

After getting back to the Mirelands Camp, they find a woman named Berra, who says, "Hey, there! You're those go-getters from the Survey Corps, right? I've a request for you if you've got some time!"

"What is it?" Ash asks.

"I'd love to know more about a Pokemon called Roselia. It has these gorgeous red and blue flowers for hands - such a graceful Pokemon! I often come to the Golden Lowlands to admire the Roselia, but just watching them from afar isn't enough for me anymore! Do you think you could complete Roselia's page in that Pokedex of yours and show it to me?"

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