Chapter 62 Post Alabaster Icelands Part 1

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After getting back to the Snowfields Camp, they meet Professor Laventon and he says, "Hm? You managed to quell Lord Avalugg? Fantastic stuff! As always, I'm sure the commander is eagerly awaiting your report. To the village!"

After getting back to the Village, they find Commander Kamado and he says, "Each of the Pokemon nobles became frenzied...and now each of them has been quelled. We still have no explanation for why this calamity befell us, but I'm glad to see it put to an end. And to think peace would be restored to Hisui by the hand of our mysterious rift-borne helper...When tomorrow dawns, it will dawn on a world restored to normalcy. At long last, we will be able to return to our normal lives. Go nourish yourself at the Wallflower, and allow yourself a good, long rest."

Ash and Serena nod, and Kamado adds, "Don't forget - the Survey Corps' work is not over. It does not end until our people can live here in Hisui without fearing the Pokemon around us."

After leaving, they are now at the Wallfower with Akari and Laventon. Laventon takes a bite of the potato mochi and says, "Thanks for this nice, sizeable helping of potato mochi, Beni, old chum! Oh, and if there's anything else that you'd recommend, by all means, bring it out!"

After Beni leaves, Akari turns to Ash and Serena, "Having the nobles all quelled puts a grave threat to rest. Now it's time we focused on our survey work...though we still can't let our guard down around regular wild Pokemon, of course!"

"I certainly had my reservations as to whether Avalugg needed quelling...But if it means bringing calm to everyone, then I suppose we did the right thing." Laventon says.

"Yes, someone might have been under attack by some frenzied noble this very moment if Ash and Serena hadn't come falling out of the sky to us." Akari says. "I still wonder, though - just what is the space-time rift, anyway? And what will make it finally go -? Wait! If the rift were to vanish, would that leave Ash and Serena stranded here?"

Ash and Serena look at each other as they are not sure about that. Laventon says, "Well, our little team is certainly very practiced at investigating things by now! We'll look into the matter and find a solution - I've no doubt. And even if we don't, you'll always have a home here in Jubilife Village, Ash and Serena. Now then, tomorrow's soon upon us, and it'll be another hard day at work for the Survey Corps! Don't forget what we've got our sights on: nothing less than a completed Pokedex!"

"That's right. We'll get it down, with Ash and Serena in the lead and me as the valiant assistant." Akari says.

"Assistant...? Come now, Akari - don't sell yourself short! You're a full-fledged member of the Survey Corps, too!" Laventon says.

"Well, thanks for that, Professor! Then I guess I'd better eat my fill and get plenty of energy for another long day tomorrow." Akari smiles.

The next day, it is also a normal day, Ash and Serena are going to continue working on the side requests. First, they go to the clothes store and find Anthe. "The color of your clothing can make all the difference in the world, don't you think?"

"Of course." Serena says.

"Absolutely! I bet you would like to dress up in your favorite color. I want to make clothing in new colors, but I can't get ahold of the right materials. If you happen to have Red Shards, Blue Shards, and Green Shards, would you kindly give me one of each?"

"They are found in the Space-time Distortions, and we used up for the Comet Shards..." Serena mutters.

"But we haven't encountered one in the Alabaster Icelands, so let's try to find one." Ash says.

Back in the Alabaster Icelands, they manage to wait for a Space-time Distortion and go inside, not only do they find some shards that they want, but they also find Oshawott and some Pokemon they haven't found.

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