ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ: ғɪʟᴛʜʏ ʀɪᴄʜ

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🪐 Annaleah 🪐

"I can't breatheeee!" I yell and try to undo the corset that's killing me slowly and painfully. Whoever chose for women to strictly wear corset back in the days I sincerely hate you.

"Stop pulling on it! It's supposed to be like that." Nalani instructs me as she slaps my hands away from my back. "Nalani I can't breathe in this, how am I supposed to have a good time if i'm dead because of asphyxiation?" I tell her and she rolls her eyes. "You're not gonna die Anna stop being so dramatic. Women used to use corsets all the time back in the day."

I try again to losen my corset but yet again, Nalani slaps my hands harder and I wince pulling them away from my back. "Ow!! What the hell was that for?" I tell her while rubbing my hands. "Stop messing with the corset!" She tells me and I furrow my eyebrows and cross my hands over my chest.

"I should've never agreed to wear this stupid costume." I roll my eyes in annoyance as she pulls the corset tighter making me cough. "Well you chose it and you're already wearing it so you're fucked." Nalani pat's my back as she pulls on the corset for the last time. I take a seat on my bed and let out a tight breath.

"Seriously though, who's idea was it to make women wear corsets?? This is torture!" I say trying to stretch myself comfortably in the corset. "Stop whining and get your ass over here, we need to do your makeup as fast as possible." Nalani rushes and I groan.

This is going to be an exceedingly long night.


"Hey dad!" I chirp on the phone as Nalani searches for Will's house.

"Hey kiddo. I heard you made the last point and won! Congratulations!"

"Thanks dad." I smile.

"I'm sorry I wasn't home when you got there. I'm celebrating halloween with some of my coworkers at the firm. You understand right sweetheart?" He asks concerned and I nod.

"Of course dad. Besides, I was in a bit of a rush when I got home, we have that halloween party tonight at Cole's house." I say and my dad hum's over the other line.

"Oh that's um- the Cooper's kid right? Tim Cooper's son?" He snaps his fingers remembering Cole's dad's name.

"Yep that's him.." I say awkwardly, praying that he stops this random interrogation.

"The Cooper's are a nice family. Perhaps I should have a talk with this Cole kid someday." My dad admits and my eyes almost fall out of their sockets.

"Dad. No." I deadpan making my dad laugh.

"Alright alright, i'll let you go enjoy your party. Be safe Anna and call me as soon as you arrive to Will's house." He say's and I nod.

"Yeah well we're already here dad." I laugh.

"Oh.. Well maker sure to call me when you get to Cole's house with your friends alright? Oh! And don't forget to call me when you get home!" He says rapidly and I nod rolling my eyes at his protectiveness.

"Yes dad, i'll make sure to text you my every move. I love you, enjoy your party." I tell him and hang up as soon as he says i love you too.

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