Chapter 04

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Sano Manjiro {Mikey}

My eyes opened to a dark room. My room actually. I yawned and sat upright, stretching my arms out. I yawned again and grabbed the sheets off me before getting up. I puffed a breath into my palm and sniffed it, instantly regretting it. It smells so bad but I didn't mind though. I was still gonna get rid of it anyways.

I lazily dragged my feet into the bathroom and looked in the mirror at my unusual self.

My hair resembles a blond tumbleweed, dark heavy circles under my eyes and my skin is paler than usual. Guess those are the pecks of getting sick which I never am..until last week. I never get sick on a daily basis. I admit that I pretend to fall sick just to ditch school but I never thought I'd actually be sick. Maybe it's just the change of weather, who knows?

I brushed my teeth and had a cold shower as I put on my usual green shirt with it's matching shorts. I used a towel to dry my hair because I'm too lazy to use Emma's hairdryer. So fucking stressful. I grabbed my phone from the bed and turned it on, checking if anyone sent a text message. Particularly from Ken-chin.

None except from the one he sent me six hours ago.

Make sure you eat something after you wake up.

Honestly, I feel blessed to have Draken in my life. I wonder what I would have been without him. Probably a fucked up depressed asshole who lost his beloved brother years ago wanting to kill each and every single person around him, never giving a damn about it..I don't know.

After Shinichiro died, I haven't been myself until Ken-chin came into my life. I wasn't thinking straight and just sunk deeper into the dark clutches of depression each time I remembered him. It felt like a strange dark being lived inside of me and everytime I got pushed, it just takes control over me and I couldn't stop it no matter how hard I tried.

But when Draken came along, I suddenly felt free and more alive than ever. His presence just gives me peace and I feel relaxed just seeing his tall figure walk into my room. He made me drop all the burdens I've balanced on my head and I couldn't be more grateful. The dark being still lives in me up till this very day though. It just controls me when I'm upset or mad.

Ryuguji Ken is like my family. No..he is family.

I walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen, decided to eat something not only because of my complete and uttermost respect for Ken-chin, my stomach is rumbling. Literally crying for anything to fill it.

I opened the fridge to check on my leftover dorayaki but to my surprise, they weren't there anymore. I got infuriated as my black pupils shrank in anger.

"What the fuck?!" I slammed the fridge shut and quickly called up Ken-chin. You gotta be fucking kidding me. Seriously?! Who could have eaten them?

What's worse, Ken-chin isn't answering. Goddamn it!

I called him again but after a few rings, it went dead. I wanted to smash my phone against the wall but I found a note on the counter. I grabbed it and opened it.

Mikey, so sorry but I had to let Emma take your dorayaki for school today. I'll bring some on our way home ~Draken.

My anger subsided as I sighed and calmed down. Apart from Draken, Emma means the whole world to me and I'd do anything for her. Even if we didn't come from the same womb.

Heaving out another sigh, I decided to make myself some cereal. After I made the cereal, I made my way to the living room and sat on the couch, crossing my legs while eating the cereal. I glanced at the clock and it's 6:30pm. What? School closes around 4:00pm. What's taking Draken and Emma so long?

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