Chapter 14

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Minasa Takashi

After having lunch at a nearby joint across the mall, Mikey and Draken said they had to leave for something important. I wanted to ask but Emma let them go. Where are they going? And more importantly, why did Emma let them off like that? I feel she knows what they're up to. I decided to ask her later. What does she know about them that I don't? I noticed Brother is never at home these days. He only barges in late at night. What's going on? I have to find out.

Thankfully, Mikey gave Emma some money for transport back home. We took a cab to my home so we could arrange my things for the sleepover. I got to find out that we're not the only ones having the sleepover. Two more of Emma's friends will be coming over. They're twins. Sakura and Saru.

We're in my room packing my stuff. There was a blue little duffel bag on my bed wide open as Emma puts in my duvet, pajamas and clothes, my toothbrush and some snacks.

"Why are you packing snacks?" I asked in confusion.

She zips up the bag and sighs, "Mina, these are for emergencies, you know..just in case something bad happens."

"Ohh.." I drawled. I put in my diary so I can jot down naughty thoughts of Mikey that comes to my head. Thank goodness it's locked.

"Uhh..what's that?" Emma asked, pointing at my pink diary.

"Oh, it's my diary." I say and she nods, "Cool."

"How long have you had it?" She asks and I smiled, remembering the time Mikey gifted it to me on my 12th birthday since I loved writing.

"Ever since I was 12." I hugged the diary to my chest, "Someone special gave it to me."

She chuckled, "That person must be really special."

"Yeah," I grinned.

Emma sighs and looks out the window, "Well, the sun's setting. I'm gonna call Saru and Sakura to pick us up."

"Okay," I nodded, keeping my diary safe underneath my clothes before zipping up my bag. We waited for the twins to show up. When they did, Emma cheerfully hugged them.

"Okay girls," Emma says, bringing them to me, "This is my new friend, Mina. Mina, this is Sakura and Saru."

"Hi, I'm Sakura. Nice to meet you." The one with the sky blue hair hugged me. "Emma-chan has told me all about you."

"Same." I smiled.

"Oh, and this is my sister, Saru." Sakura introduced. Saru looked up at me from her phone and waved, "Hi."

"Hey," I awkwardly waved back.

Sakura and Saru look exactly the same except Saru's hair is short and green while Sakura's is long and blue but their eyes are dark blue. As far as I know, Sakura seems to be the giddy, cheerful one while Saru is the quiet, boyish one judging by her demeanor and her outfit.

"I'm so excited!!! This is going to be the best sleepover ever!" Sakura squeals and hugs me, "And plus, I get to make a new friend!"

Saru rolls her eyes, "Whatever."

Sakura pulls away and gives me a twirl, "We're going to have lots of fun!"

I smiled. I was uncomfortable having the twins over before because I thought they would be clingy and annoying but now, I'm feeling excited. Maybe they aren't as bad as I thought. I'm sure we'll have a great time.

"Yeah!" Emma, Sakura and I squeal. "Yay." We heard Saru mutter and we laughed.

"Let's go." Emma says as we all walked towards a black jeep. We hopped in and Saru turned on the ignition before driving out of the neighborhood.


On our way to Emma's house, Sakura and I chatted with each other. I learn that both Saru and Sakura are 17 but Saru is older. That explains why Saru is more mature than Sakura. I also noticed that Sakura and I have so much in common. We love romance movies, puppies, cooking. It just seems like we've known each other for like..forever.

We arrived and headed into the house. I looked around in awe. There's this familiar feeling that ripples through me when I look around. The memories of Mikey and I spending time together appearing. Now I'm back here again after four long years.

"Okay girls, we'll be in my room." Emma informs and we all follow her upstairs to her room. No doubt, her room is beautiful. Purple walls, a queen sized bed, a study littered with magazines, a walk in closet and a big bay window situated next to her study.

"So, what do we do now?" Saru asked dropping her sleeping bag.

"You two are gonna help me with the snacks." Emma tells her and turns to me, "Wanna join us?"

I shook my head, "No, I'm just gonna take a shower."

"Are you sure?" Emma asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Everything is in the bathroom if you need anything." Emma tells me.

I nodded, "Okay."

"Shall we go?" Emma asked and they all walked out of the room, shutting the door behind them. I pulled off my clothes and walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and had a warm shower. Soaked, I wrapped a towel around my body and stepped out of the shower stall. I opened the door and bumped into something hard. Someone hard that is..

I almost lost my balance and fell but the person grabbed my waist to stop me as he trapped me against the wall. I sensed a familiar daffodil scent and I opened my eyes. When I did, I saw Mikey staring at me. I realized that he was bare on his upper half. His broad lean shoulders, his hard chest and six-packed abs.

I also realized that I was naked beneath the towel. I went pink inside out as Mikey ogled my naked body. I always imagined I would show him my nakedness when we get married but I never thought he would see it now. I mean..I'm not completely naked but still..

My body trembled, growing pinker than before, "Mikey I.."

He leaned closer to me and tilted his head as he kissed my cheek. My body heated when he did this. He went lower and started kissing my neck and my collarbone. I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning and grasped his shoulders tightly.

"Fuck.." He growled in my neck as he bucked his hips into mine, letting me feel his hard member. Fuck..he's so big. My p*ssy starts to ache and I could feel the wetness pooling around my inner thighs. I raked my hands through his blond locks and pulled him incredibly close to me, loving every single thing he's doing to me that I want more of him.

"You're so fucking sexy, Mina." He moans and nibbles on my skin. He dipped his head in between my exposed cleavage, licked them and returned back to my neck. My eyes screwed shut and I bit my lip. I can't keep it in anymore..

I let out a moan, "Mikey.."

With that, he stopped kissing me and pulled away. His eyes widened as he took a step back.

He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair, turning his back to me.

"I'm sorry, Mina.." He apologized and left me in shock as my eyes began to water.

I knew it wasn't going to last.


Hey guys! What's up?

I missed His Angel so much so I had to update.

Mikey and Mina are so hot guys. OMG!!!!

Happy reading y'all!

His Angel |Manjiro Sano|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora