Sakura's POV

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Hey guys! So..just wanted to input Sakura's POV in here so we can all see from her perspective because..all of y'all in chapter 15 if I could vividly remember, dissed her for trying to come in between Mina and Mikey and to be very honest, y'all made me laugh so hard 😂

This is a filler chapter so I hope you enjoy..


"Saru, I'm home!" I yell as I enter the house and shut the door. I drop my bag on the coffee table and collapse on the couch, letting out a deep exhale. I'm so exhausted.

"Welcome." I hear Saru mutter as she walks into the living room, setting down a cup of tea on the table. All of a sudden, I noticed a white bandage wrapped around Saru's fists. My eyes widened.

I jolted up from the couch and held her hands, "Saru, wha-what is this?" I tightened my grip on her hands, tears rolling from my eyes as I raised my voice, "What is this, Saru? Answer me!"

She jerks her hands away from my grip and look away, "Nothing."

Saru has always been the rebellious child of our family. She picks on people and beats them up whenever she gets a chance and our parents tried their best to talk her out of it but she always goes against them. When our parents died in a car accident, she couldn't handle the pain and trauma so, her bad attitude became worse. She began to rob from stores, go hard on drugs, kill lots of people to the point I had to take her to rehab. She got out of rehab still the same person much to my disappointment. She went to juvie a few times and I always bail her out one way or the other. I tried to convince her to take therapy sessions but she refused. These days, she's getting out of control and I'm just sick and tired of her bullshit.

I balled my hands into fists at my sides as my eye twitched, "Nothing?" I held her bloody guazed hand and shook it quite violently, "You call this nothing?!"

She swats her hand away again and looked away from my burning gaze, "I told you, it's nothing. End of story." She says with a shrug and I wanted to slap her so hard.

"I just bailed you out of jail last week and you've started another shenanigans?!" I scream at her, more tears spilling out of my eyes.

"Would you stop overreacting?" Saru snapped. "I didn't do any of this just because I felt like it, I got provoked."

My brows furrowed, "What do you mean you got provoked?"

Saru rubbed her face and heaved out a sigh, "Look, after school, I walked out of the school gates when I found some fuckers talking shit about you."

My body went numb, "What?"

"Would I lie to you?" Saru asked, sounding pained.

Silence befell us momentarily before I spoke. "What did they say?"

Saru closed her eyes and balled her fists tightly. It seemed like she was struggling to tell me. Was it that bad?

She opened her eyes, "Trust me Sakura, you don't want to know."

I looked down, "Oh."

"I couldn't control myself, I had to beat them up." Saru gritted her teeth.

I barely heard myself, "Saru.."

Saru cupped my cheeks with both hands, "Sakura..I never told you this before but you're the most important person in my life. I care about you a lot and I love you. More than words can express."

I choked on a sob and sniffled, "Saru.."

"You were there for me when I was at my worst, hoping I'd change and become a better person for you and myself. You did everything you could just to save me from my own self. You sacrificed a lot for me but all I gave you in return was pain and anguish. You always clean up my messes and for that I would like to say, thank you." Tears rolled down her cheeks as she spoke, wiping mine with her bloody thumbs.

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