Chapter 13

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Minasa Takashi

"No fucking fair! You asshole!" Mikey yells as he speeds behind Draken who was laughing at him, way ahead of him. Emma, was hooting while her hair was swayed to the wind. She was clearly having fun.

"Eat my dust, Manjiro!" Draken laughed and Mikey growled. To be honest, seeing Mikey annoyed is kinda amusing. The boys decided to race against each other to the mall which is totally dumb if you ask me but by the way this race is going, I'm getting pumped up to see who reaches the mall first. Not to mention the excess breeze slapping my face.

"Yeah, rub the dust on my brother's face!" Emma playfully yelled, supporting Draken.

"Your words aren't helping Emma!" Mikey groaned loudly. I have to support Mikey but I don't need to yell or bark, I have to be patient with him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned into him. I whispered, "You can do this Mikey, I believe in you."

Within seconds, I felt the motorcycle jerk under me and just like that, Mikey sped past Draken which left them both shocked. Feeling mischievous, I looked behind and stuck my tongue out at them as we both laughed. From afar, I could see Draken ranting angrily and I giggled. This is the best day so far and Mikey along with Ken-chin never cease to make me laugh.

"See you at the mall, dumb ass!" Mikey smirked and laughed. In no time, we reached the mall as Mikey parked at the bike lot. We both got off and ran towards the entrance where people were coming in and walking out of the mall.

Mikey panted, "That was fun."

"Yeah." I agree with him as I laughed. He laughed along with me.

"Now he has to do everything I say." He sighs happily as he ran his hand along his locks and licked his lips. He closed his eyes while at it and my thighs clenched yet again. He's such a tease.

I got lost in his trance I didn't realize he caught me staring at him.

"You like what you see, baby?" Mikey smirked and I blushed, looking away. Mikey..flirting with me? Mikey and the word 'flirt' don't go hand in hand. They're like oil and water so how's that possible? Why did he change all of a sudden? What's wrong with him?

Hold up..he even called me baby? Seriously? Am I dreaming?

In the midst of my thoughts, Mikey grabbed my hand and moved closer to me letting me bask in his daffodil scent. My heart started beating louder than the happy screams of children running in and out of the building.

"May I know what you're thinking about?" He asked rather sensually and the hairs on my skin stood as I shivered inwardly. What is he doing to me?

I shook my head, "I wasn't thinking about anything."

"Oh really?" He asked smugly.

I gulped "Yes."

He pulled me to his chest and I stared at his dark eyes. They darkened and shrank a bit as he caressed my right cheek, "What are you doing to me Mina?"

My pupils dilated as he asked this, "What..what am I doing to you?"

Before he could answer, Draken and Emma arrived as they hopped off and jogged towards us. On instinct, I pulled away from Mikey and looked away, probably looking like a strawberry.

"There you are!" Emma exclaimed asked she reached us, "I thought you guys went inside."

Mikey shook his head, "We wouldn't do that."

Draken walked towards us and Mikey grinned smugly at him, "Guess you have to do whatever I say, Ken-chin."

Draken rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

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