Chapter 46

530 15 11

Manjiro Sano

Seven shitty days.

Seven days of pain and misery. Seven days of severe heartache and torture. Since the very day I kicked Takemitchy out of Toman.

I don't understand why I'm feeling so bitter. I should feel at peace, assured that no one would stand in my way to get Mina. However, that isn't the case. I feel a lot worse than I have before.

I got what I wanted. I did what I had to do. But why am I still uneasy?

I take a swig of alcohol. This should be my fourth bottle this week. I know I shouldn't be drinking but what can I do? I heard.. drinking alcohol makes you forget all your shit problems. It makes you lighter and it worked..for the most part at least.

I rest my back on the concrete wall. My head is spinning. How did it get to this? Why did you make me do this to you, Takemitchy?

I thought I'll finally get to be with the girl of my dreams after everything that had happened.. I should be in my room practicing lines of my speech for Mina but..I don't feel like doing anything of that sort. For some reason, I'm not in the mood for it at this time.

All I can think about is the night when I left him at the shrine. He must have been so distraught. I can't imagine what he's going through right now. The pain and anguish that I put him through.

I asked Draken to go see Takemitchy for me. To know how he's fairing. I can't see him.. even if I tried to. I can't look him in the eye because I'm a wimp. A fucking coward.

I'm guessing he hates me now. Everybody does. I mean..why wouldn't they? I hate myself even more.

I gulp down the whole liquor, letting the mild burn settle in my throat for a moment.

Fuck.. this load is way too heavy for me to bear. Just to be with the person I love, I crushed my brother in the process.

Why? Why is life unfair?

I hurl the empty bottle against the wall, watching it smash into a million pieces. I heave a deep sigh, feeling a headache coming on..


I just want Takemitchy to be fine. I want him to be okay. He doesn't have to forgive me. If I were him I wouldn't forgive myself either because I don't deserve it.

"There you are, I was looking all over for you!" I hear a voice call out. I know who that is..


The guilt inside me is unable to let me face anyone. "What are you doing here?" I ask icily.

"Dropped by to see you." He responds casually.

"You probably hate me now," I deadpan.

I hear him chuckle, "Not quite."

My eyes widen slightly. What? That's crazy..I thought..but why?

"I get it. What you did wasn't right but I'm sure you had your reasons." He tells me understandingly.

"My reasons for what I did..are stupid." I cringe as I speak. The fact Mitsuya-kun isn't mad at me for what I did stuns me. He should be but he's chill with it. This doesn't make any sense. Why did he visit me? He should have been at Takemitchy's instead.

"Why did you come to see me? If anyone, you should see Takemitchy."

"You're right. I should see Takemitchy but I chose not to." He grunts, sitting on the floor beside me.

I turn to him, "Why?"

"Fuck! You should see your face. You look a deceased raccoon." He laughs and I roll my eyes. Leave it to Mitsuya to make fun out of a serious situation. I hate it.

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