Chapter 35

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Manjiro Sano

Groans and grunts filled the dojo as every member of Toman train for the upcoming war ahead. They break into pairs and fight each other to test their strengths, agility, endurance and tactics, some members incurring wounds but still go on. That's what Toman's all about. The ability to persevere and fight till the end.

With hands behind my back, I observe them as I walk past each pair, correcting any fault one of them make.

That's one of the qualities of a good leader.


For the past week, Toman has been putting in a lot of effort into this war and with what I've witnessed, I think Toman's ready. Scratch that, I know it. So Ryuketsū, get ready to get your ass beat.

I spot Mitsuya leaning on the golden pillar, watching them and I begin to sweat. He's alone and this is the perfect opportunity to tell him how I feel about Mina.

I take a deep breath and exhale before walking towards him, trying to get rid of the blush on my face. When I approach him, he looks at me and gives me an eye-smile.

"Mikey.." He extends his hand and I shake it.

"Mitsuya," I smile and we pull our hands away.

Act cool. Act cool.

"So.." I begin awkwardly and look at the members, "Pretty good huh?"

"Yeah." He nods, "They've made a tremendous amount of progress over the past few days and I gotta say, I'm impressed."

I agree, "Yeah. Um..Mitsuya-kun, I wanna talk to you about something. I hope you don't mind."

He furrows his brows and crosses his arms across his chest, paying me his undivided attention. "Okay?"


I scratch my head nervously, "Okay uh..I have been meaning to talk to you about it but I didn't know how to."

He chuckled, "Don't be nervous, just spill it."

I took in a deep breath and exhaled before I spoke, "I just wanted to tell you that I.." Curse my racing heart.

He pressed, "You..what?"


"Hey there you guys are!" Kazutora calls out from a distance and I roll my eyes. Can't I just confess my love for Mina to her older brother without nobody interrupting? Now I think about it..I should probably thank him. I've realized that I wasn't ready to do it like I thought I was..

We look at the guys as they approach us with white plastic bags of food.

Kazutora, Pah and Baji raise the bags and beam, "Let's eat!"

"Hey motherfuckers!" Draken yelled at the members as they halted, "Go get lunch! You've been working your ass off for hours! Fill yourselves and rest. We continue tomorrow morning."

With that, they scrambled out of the dojo like their lives depended on it.

We sat on the floor and began eating.

"How long have they been here?" Chifuyu questions.

"Twelve hours." Mitsuya shrugged.

"Damn," Baji exclams, biting into his sushi.

"They're better compared to last week." Kazutora stated.

Draken nods, "True."

I look around, "Where's Takemitchy?"

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