Chapter 10

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Minasa Takashi

It's 5:12pm in the evening and I'm in my room, studying for Monday's test. As much as I love sleeping, puppies and fantasizing about Mikey kissing me, I love studying. It just makes my mind feel calm and collected. Like I have everything under control.

I'm on my bed studying with my Math textbook when a knock on the door interrupts me from getting a quadratic equation right.

Damn it.

"Come in!" I say, closing my books shut as the door opened, Brother walking in. He's dressed in a tank top which showed off his biceps and a pair of maroon sweatpants, his hands tucked in his pockets as his face held a serious demeanor.

"Mina-chan..we need to talk." He says as he sat on the bed and sighed. I nodded and set my books aside.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked calmly, his eyes away from me.

"Because I..I didn't want you to get upset." I answer hesitantly, playing with the hem of my dress.

"Upset?! Why wouldn't I get upset?!" He suddenly raised his voice. He got up and faced me, "A bastard slapped my sister's ass and you expect me to be happy about it?!" He yelled at me, his voice breaking. "Tell me!"

Tears rolled down my cheeks, "I'm sorry brother," I choked on a sob.

"I told you whenever these kind of things happen, you should tell me. Isn't that what I told you?!" He shouted as I nodded.

"Then why do you always do this? Why do you keep these things from me. You always do this and it tears me apart. How am I going to be there for you if you don't share your problems with me?!" He yelled harder as tears rolled down his face.

"Honestly brother, I forgot about it. I wanted to tell you but I never had the chance." I sobbed, "Besides, I promised the boy's sister that I won't tell you."

He ran his hands along his hair and tugged it, "Is she more important than I am?"

I shook my head, "No. I'm sorry."

He sighed and sat back down, "Where is he?"

"He's in the hospital." I explained as I sobbed.

"How come?" He asks, totally confused.

"Mikey beat him up yesterday." I tell him, wiping my tears.

Brother sighs, "Look. I want you to keep me updated with whatever happens around you. You don't have to tell me everything but at least these kinds of situations. You are the only reason why I'm breathing, Mina and I'd be damned if anything were to happen to you."

"Thank you." I hug him.

"Okay, I'm going to make dinner." Mitsuya-kun says as he got up. Just then, my phone buzzed. I grabbed it and turned it on, spotting a message from Takemichi-kun.

He texted me his home address.

Apparently, after his numerous apologies, he asked if I could help him study today since I did well in my homework. He told me he can't afford to fail again and if he does, he'll be kicked out of school. And I don't want that for my friend.

"Who's that?" Brother asked.

"Oh, it's Takemichi-kun. He wants me to help him study for Monday's test." I tell him and he nods.

"Well lucky for you, his house isn't that far from ours so be careful when you get there." Mitsuya-kun says and I nodded, "Yes."

He left the room as I took a shower and changed, wearing a baby blue dress and styled my hair into pigtails pinning butterfly ribbons on each tail. I slipped my feet into my blue flats and picked up my bag, leaving the room.

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