Chapter 34

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Minasa Takashi

I woke up and find myself in my bedroom. Ugh, what happened last night? I remember I spent time with Mikey at his house and I fell asleep. My head starts hurting and I wince. Headache on a Wednesday is so not good and I have gym class.

Fuck my life.

I turn over to see a pink book on the nightstand. I gasped. It's my diary! Yes!

I grabbed it and hugged it to my chest. "Oh, I missed you so much."

I kissed it and put it safely in my bottom drawer. Where it supposed to be. But how did it get here? Maybe Emma found it and returned it. This has made my day. Literally. I can't believe I'm gonna be writing in my diary again. I'm so excited! Diary, we have a lot to catch up on.

I have to get ready. Today is gonna be a fun day. Anya, Emma and I are gonna hang out after school.

Two exciting things to look forward to.

With a grin on my face, I get out of bed and skip to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and showered. After that I put on my uniform and dry my hair, wore my socks and shoes before exiting my room with my bag hung on my shoulder.

I head downstairs and see Mitsuya dishing out breakfast.


Brother acknowledged my presence and smiled, "Hey, good morning."

I take my seat at the dining table, "Morning Brother."

"Guess what we're having today for breakfast." He grins.

I arch a brow, "Dorayaki?"

"You guessed right." He chuckled and put four dorayakis on my plate.

"Brother, Emma, Anya and I are gonna hang out after school today so I'll come home a little bit late." I inform him, taking a bite of my steamy dorayaki.

He nods, "Okay but be careful alright, kiddo?"

I smile, "Yes Brother."

"Why are we having dorayaki for breakfast?"

"Because Mikey put me on. You know, it fills you for the whole day and energizes your system." He stated.

I knew it.

"We need to get going now or else, you'll run late." Brother says as he gets up and goes outside. I finish my food and join him outside.


I'm in school now and about to head to class when someone wraps their hands around me. What the-

I turned around to find Anya eye-smiling at me, her small hands still around me.

"Hi!" She greets sweetly. Omg she's so cute.

I chuckle, "Hey, Anya!"

"Are you ready for our outing today?!" She squeals as she pulls away.

I nod excitedly, "Heck yeah."

We walk to the class and get seated. Anya sits on Emma's seat but I don't question it.

"Don't worry, when Emma arrives, I'll go to my seat." She assured and I nod.

"You look beautiful today." She compliments and I blush.

"Thank you." I eye-smile at her.

"Where's Emma?" Anya asks, looking around the class.

"Um..dunno." I shrug, "She must be on her way."

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