Chapter 36

653 26 15

Hanagaki Takemichi

I ran out of the restaurant to catch up with Mikey. I see both Mikey and Draken hopping on their motorcycles. I have to explain things. They must have overheard everything and now, they're gonna tell Mitsuya.


"Mikey!!!" I yell as my feet moves faster than they would carry me. It starts pouring down and I'm soaking wet. Fuck.

"Wait!" I stop them and luckily, Mikey halts his movements and froze. His wet hair shielding the face as he lowered his head. I bent over to place my hands on my knees so I could catch my breath.

I straightened up to see Mikey's eyes locked at me. They were pitch black and red rings circled around his irises. I know that look. That look that brought back familiar chills down my spine. That look of immense hate and resentment piercing through my soul, crushing everything within me.

I gulped as I felt mortified. I couldn't even move. Tears welling my eyes. I don't understand. What have I done to Mikey that he hates me so much? The person that loved me like a brother, the person that stood up for me when I needed it the most, the person that admired everything in me.. despises me. For what?

Could it have had something to do with Mina? I don't understand..

"Mikey.." my voice barely audible as he looked away and started his motorcycle, letting it rev smoothly. He sped down the street under the heavy rain with Draken behind him.

It's like I got punched in the gut. Behind those eyes, I could see he's hurting. He's betrayed by who? Me? Why would I do that? I fell to my knees and lowered my head, tears slipping down my cheeks.

"Mikey.." I cry as the rain beats my back, water dripping from my tousled hair. Where did I go wrong? Where? How? I stay like that, people walking past me. Some kid ran into me and I fell on my butt. She ran away but I'm too drained to care.

"Hey buddy," I felt a hand on my shoulder and it's Yamagishi. He gives me a small smile and grabs my arm, pulling me up to my feet.

"Let's go. You're gonna get sick." He pats my back and I nod.

"I don't care." I stutter out. To be honest, I don't feel anything anymore.

Few minutes later, I find myself in new clothes, sitting at the dining table with Yamagishi staring at me with worry.

"Eat your food." He frowns and my eyes divert to a plate of food. Oh, I never noticed it. I don't even have appetite.

"I can't." I look away.

"Why?" He questions and I sigh.

"I just don't have appetite. Okay?" I snap at him.

"Okay! Jeez." He raised his hands in surrender. He lowered them, "What's going on in your mind?"

I face palm, "I don't get why Mikey hates me."

Yamagishi's eyes soften, "Yeah. I've noticed. He's behaving so off around you. He doesn't even speak to you anymore."

My grip on my fork harden, "I don't understand. Why? What have I done to him?"

Yamagishi tapped his chin, "I think it has something to do with Mina."

"Mina? How?" I furrow my brows. This doesn't make sense.

"I think..he likes her." He stares at me intently and my eyes widen. Mikey? Likes Mina?

"Impossible." I mumble, looking away. "There's no way Mikey likes her. Mikey doesn't have interest in anyone. So..why her?"

Yamagishi flashes me a bored look, "Dude, Mikey is a human being. He's bound to feel things for someone. And Mina, just may be that someone."

The thought of Mikey and Mina together just makes my blood boil. I get up abruptly from my seat. "Bullshit. I've been heartbroken and depressed for the past two years and now when I finally find someone new, some horseshit just comes in the middle of nowhere and takes her away from me? I won't let that happen. Never!"

Yamagishi blinks at me, "Did you just call Mikey horseshit?"

"Yes! And there's nothing he's going to do about it. At this point, I don't give a shit anymore. Mikey might beat the shit out of me but it'll never change how I feel about Mina. I mean they aren't even that close and Mikey wants to claim her? Fucking piece of shit."


"Who does he think he is? Trying to take her away from me?"


"Let me finish talking!"


"What?!" I look at Yamagishi who turned pale for some reason. He shakily points at something. "Behind you.."

I turn around and to my horror, I find Mikey standing at my door with an expression I just can't decipher. My knuckles become white as I begin to quiver. His eyes still pitch black with red rings around his irises.

"I'll take my leave now." Yamagishi chuckles nervously and raced out of my house. Bastard.

Mikey smirked sadistically as he shut the door. What comes from his lips sent chills running through my body.

"Let's dance," His smirk grew wider "Takemitchy."

And I knew right there and then, It's gonna be my death sentence.


What's up my beautiful angels?

How's your day going?

Mosquitoes are biting me 😭

Damn.. Takemichi..🙄

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed his POV :)

QOTD: What do you think is gonna happen to poor Takemichi? 😭😑

Happy reading babes♥️

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