Chapter 23

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Minasa Takashi

Oh my gosh!

Mikey is asking me out!!! Aaaaah!

Girl, don't be stupid.

Okay, he isn't technically asking me out. He just asked me to meet him at the park. Seems like Emma's excitement has rubbed off on me.

But why this late though? He could have just asked me around 5 or 6. Why 10? I should be asleep by now.

I looked out the window and it's super dark outside. Just take a flashlight with you. What if it's cold out there? Don't worry about it Mina you have a jacket.

My mind is telling me it's dangerous to go out by this time of the night, it isn't safe but my foolish giddy self is telling me it doesn't matter. It's Mikey. Cease this chance, you won't find another again.

The former or latter. Hmm..

I don't really wanna go outside right now but Mikey..I wanna meet him so freaking bad. I feel like pulling my hair out of my scalp. I feel like screaming.


Okay that scream was in my head.

But seriously? What should I do?

Listen just go meet him and come back as quickly as you can.

Yeah I can do that. I don't want to keep him waiting.

I text him back. Okay :)

Immediately he replied, Great, see u then ;)

I'm really nervous. This may be risky but I have to go. For Mikey. With a smile, I got off my bed and put on my brown furry ugg boots and my purple scarf. I search my wardrobe for my jacket and I found my green puffer jacket and wore it. It doesn't exactly fit my pajamas but I'm gonna go with it.

I walked out of my room and stopped as soon as I saw Mitsuya's room. My heart drumming.

Should I tell him? Maybe I should..

No you idiot. If you tell him then he won't let you leave and you won't be able to see Mikey. Remember, he's a heavy sleeper so he won't have a clue that you're gone.

You're right. I'll just sneak out. I gulped.

You know what? I'll just take these off, go to my room and have a good night sleep.

And bail on Mikey? You are really stupid.

Okay, maybe sneaking out won't be that bad. Will it? I just hope Brother doesn't find out that I'm gone.

I took a deep breath and tiptoed through the hallway and down the stairs. I quietly sprinted to the front door not forgetting to carry the flashlight. I opened the door and locked from the outside, tucking the key under the carpet. When I'm out of the house, I look to my left and then to my right before venturing down the dark neighborhood.


Maybe heading outside in the middle of the night just to see Mikey was a bad idea.

The neighborhood is so scary at night. The sounds of crickets is the only thing I hear as I go further as well as my footsteps. The cold wind causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. The good thing is that the street lamps are on but only making the neighborhood eerier than it already is. Who knows what might jump out of the darkness and attack me?

Trembling, I'd look behind me just to make sure I'm not being followed or stalked. I hastened my steps and ran to the park. Thank goodness the park is nearby.

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