Chapter 31

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Manjiro Sano

I open the diary and my eyes almost bulge out of their sockets.

What the fuck?

I find pictures of myself when I was younger with big red hearts drawn around them and filled with kisses all over the page. Alongside with words like Mina loves Mikey, Mina and Mikey, I love Mikey, and Mina Sano??

Mina Sano? I smirked. Well..I'd love to make Mina my wife someday. Mina really loves me? I can't believe it. I chuckle, still in disbelief at the thought..she loves me. The girl that I'm madly in love with, is in love with me too.

She's not just in love with you.. she's obsessed with you.

Just like I am with her..damn.

A feeling of euphoria whipped through me and I smile. Mina loves me. She loves-

Okay Manjiro, that's enough.

I close the book and sigh.

Wait, what are you doing? You need to find out more.

I think that is all I need to know.

Don't you feel the need to know more? I mean.. it's Mina's diary..she must have written so much about you that might spark your interest.. don't you think?

You're right. I flipped to the next page and I'm mesmerized by her beautiful handwriting.

Everything about her is beautiful. That's why I love her. Because she's perfect.

I start reading..

Oct. 6, 2001.. 9:48PM

Dear diary..

It's Mina here. Today is my birthday and I'm really happy. My brother took me to the amusement park. We played a lot of games, went on rides..that was the first time I actually rode on a was pretty scary tbh but the adrenaline rush bursts through my veins which made it a whole lot of fun. I spent time with the boys at Pah's place. It was awesome.. and the best part of my day was when I spent time with Mikey. That's when he gave you to me as a gift for my birthday and I can't thank him enough.

A big smile spread my lips as I continue to read..

You know, I really like him..a lot. Since the day he saved me from those bullies. I don't want us to be just friends, I want us to be more than that . I don't know..whenever he's around me I feel butterflies in my stomach. I haven't yet figured it out myself but I think I love him. I haven't told anyone else but you. I wanna tell him how I feel but I fear he might just laugh at me :( and I might cry. But I'm going to tell him someday and then he'll finally realize how much he means to me :) <3

Yours truly,
Mina <3

My face fell at the part when she wrote I'd laugh at her if she told me how she felt about me. Did she really think I'd do that? Yes..I'd be stunned but I'd never do that.

Why wouldn't she? You two were so young at time. You always joke about everything and you never take anything seriously so yeah of course, you'll laugh.

But to be honest, I'd probably laugh and I'm glad she didn't open up to me back then or else I might just end up hurting her. And she wouldn't talk to me anymore

I flip to the next page and read..

Oct. 8, 2001.. 7:23PM

Dear diary, it's me again..

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