Intro/characters and all that fun stuff

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Hey so clearly this is my first time writing on here or anywhere that doesn't include 4th grade creative writing lol, I promise my ideas have evolved since then, I go by May, I'm 25 years old and English is my first and only language, so any other language used in this book is going to be translated using google. I'm Canadian and I love to bake, and watch movies, so if you see a lot of references to movies/tv shows it'll usually be because I am currently or have just watched it and am obviously obsessed with it for the time being. I love all things horror, but I also love Disney. My description of this book will hopefully get better in time but for now, I'll just do the prologue and characters pages

May xx

Noah Parker -12 years old
Noah is the youngest brother. He is small for his age only reaching 4'7", he has blonde curly hair, light hazel eyes and round chubby cheeks making him look like a 7 year old. he's extremely shy, and has a younger mindset due to the trauma and abuse he suffered. He gets scared easily but has his stuffed giraffe named Oli to help him. He's curious and loves to learn if ever given the chance. Despite how he's grown up, slowly he opens up and comes out of his shell is very trusting, he has a big heart, always wanting to help others, even thought he is still very shy. He loves to follow around Hunter, Nicholas and Atlas.

Hunter Parker - 25 years old
Hunter is the eldest brother, and the CEO of Parker Industries, he inherited the business from his father when he turned 19. At 6'4" he is intimidating and strong, his tattoos make him look even more terrifying. He has dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and sharp facial features. Despite his hard exterior, he loves and cares for his younger brothers and always makes time for them. He's strict but has a soft spot for Noah and Reid.

Nicholas "Nicky" Parker - 24 years old
Nicholas is the second eldest brother, and works with Hunter. He is 6'1" and looks similar to Hunter, except with hazel eyes like Noah. He only has a few tattoos, but still looks just as intimidating as Hunter. He likes to read and used to be "the bad boy" while growing up, which is where Alexander gets it's from. He is less strict than Hunter but strict in his own way. He has a soft spot for Noah.

Atlas "Atty" Parker - 23 years old
Atlas is the third eldest brother, like a mother hen to both his younger and older brothers. He's also 6'1" but looks a lot less intimidating than his older brothers. He has thick blonde hair and freckles on his cheeks, he also wears glasses. He's got all his brothers initials tattooed on his arm. He's a teacher at the school his younger brothers attend. He is the clumsiest of all the brothers, also the nicest. Like his older brothers he has a soft spot for Noah, but also for Sebastian.

Alexander "Lex" Parker - 17 years old
Alexander is the fourth eldest brother, and the older twin. He is 5'9" and has dark brown hair and even darker brown eyes. Although shorter than Hunter, he looks like an identical copy, yet scarier. He has anger issues, but Hunter got him into boxing as a way to let it out, though he can still be quite mean and rude sometimes when irritated. He's not the lovey doves type and won't willingly hug his brothers lol but he's always there for them. He's in the eleventh grade with his twin and has a bad habit of skipping class, and is essentially the "bad boy" of the school. He takes after Nicholas when he was growing up, always getting into trouble.

Sebastian "Sebby" Parker -17 years old
Sebastian is the fifth eldest brother and Alexander's younger twin. They are identical in looks, but Sebastian takes after Atlas personality wise and is much nicer than Alexander. Although he looks like a "bad boy" Sebastian actually loves school and almost never skips. He's in lots of academic school clubs, but is still an introvert, which is the exact opposite of his twin. Being an introvert makes him much quieter than any of his brothers. He suffers with mild anxiety. He's loves puzzles and riddles, as well as chess. He also really likes board games like clue, and trivia.

Reid Parker -16 years old
Reid is the sixth eldest brother and in tenth grade. He is 5'3 and looks like a mini Atlas. He is really into music and is part of his school band. He's pretty laid back, but he likes to offer to "help" Hunter and Nicholas with work, but then gets distracted easily and moves onto another task. He loves to spend time with his eldest two brothers but would never admit that. He's always finding new projects and things to do. He's also always snacking on food. Like Sebastian, Reid suffers from mild anxiety. He has a strong bond with Hunter and always goes to him for help.

Spencer Parker -16 years old
Spencer is the seventh eldest brother and Reid's younger twin. Reid and Spencer are identical so he also looks like Atlas, and is 5'8". While his twin is into music, Spencer is into movies, specifically horror movies. He loves spending time with Alexander always wanting to be just like him, in his eyes, he's the coolest brother. He has a part time job at the movie theatre and is always trying to convince his brothers to watch the latest horror movies.

Other characters:
Kai Parker, Father -49 years old, deceased
Aliyah Parker, Mother -50 years old, deceased
Kai and Aliyah were loving parents, they were high school sweethearts and together they created Parker Industries and ran a successful business. When Aliyah became unexpectedly pregnant with Noah, it was a tough pregnancy for her, but she made it, unfortunately she never recovered completely but still tried to keep up with her 8 boys. Both Kai and her spent as much time with the boys as they could, and although the business was demanding, they were always there for them. They spent years searching for Noah after he was kidnapped, but died in a car accident when Hunter was 19. Hunter gained custody of all his brothers and continued the search for his youngest brother.

So that's the main characters lol there a lot of brothers, I swear I was only going to do 3 older brothers but then 7 happened.... Anyways, the boys will probably all have different friends and so eventually I might do another character page, but I wanna get the prologue done first it'll probably be a short chapter just to kind of start off the book but I hope you guys like it! Okay bye

May xx

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