Chapter 61-Noah 🥹

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Noah's POV:

We're going to the zoo! We're going to the zoo! That's where the giraffes live, I can't wait to see them. Hunter says that lots and lots of animals live there, and they all have their own rooms just like us! I hope they have nice big soft beds too. Are all the animals brothers too because they all live together? Hunter puts Oli in my backpack to sleep so that he'll be awake when we see his brothers at the zoo. When we're going to leave, I see Bell at the door. I tell him where we're going and he says he loves giraffes, I'm so happy he coming to see them too. In the car, Reid says he wants to see penguins because they're his favorite. I tell him everything I know about penguins. "Pen-guin black a-and white! L-like cold and f-fish. M-make sound noot n-noot!" I say like the penguin pingu that I watched with Lex. Reid doesn't say anything, and when I look at him he's sleeping. That's okay, I'll keep telling him about pingu and then maybe he'll dream about him.

We had to drive for so long, but then Hunter says we're here! I ask Reid about the penguins again, just in case he didn't dream about them. Hunter helps me out of my car seat, why doesn't he or Reid have one too? Don't they want to be safe in the car too? I get distracted when I'm out of the car. There's so much space, everywhere! The sky is so big! I love being outside. We have to go through a big tall gate, and I see Li-li on the other side! I run over to him to hug him, but he has so many flowers! "Li-li why have flowers?" I ask him. He holds out the one with all the colours and says it's for me! It's so pretty, I have to show everyone. He gave everyone flowers but says mine is special, it's rainbow! I'm going to keep it forever and ever, or maybe when we go see the big rocks again, I can give it to them(in case y'all forgot when they went to the cemetery, he called the tombstones big rocks and saw everyone leave flowers). When Atty and Sarah ask where we're going first, Sebby goes first, because he knows everything. He even has a map, and he knows how to read the map! I wonder if he can read treasure maps too!? Im going to ask him to teach me to read them, and then we can go on adventures together. Sebby says reading maps is important survival skills, so I'm going to learn it. I skip to him and hold his hand, Hunter told me to always hold someone's hand so I don't get lost, and that today I need a walking buddy, I like that rule.

Sebby takes us to the penguins! There's so many of them and they all want to eat the fishies from the zookeepers. Do the fishies want to be eaten? Maybe they want to swim with the penguins? Do I have to eat fish? But I'm not a penguin, so eating fishies would be yucky. I can't believe there's real penguins here! This is so cool, cooler than Nicky's drawings on his arms! They're not making the noot noot sound, I'll have to ask Lex about it later, maybe there's different kinds of penguins like how Sebby's cat is nice and Eva's cat is scary. The lady with the penguins is telling us all about them, and they all have names and sometimes they can be naughty! "S'ok, S-Spencer naughty t-too. Still l-love Spencer." I tell her, so that she remembers to love all the penguins too, even when they're naughty. I watch the penguins walk around, and they walk funny, but I can do it too. Atty says it's called a waddle, so I waddle over to Reid to show him. I keep waddling around on the grass, there's so much space to run around here! I use a stick a write my name in the dirt, and then I find a rock and decide to give it to Hunter, he's going to love it so much! He takes the rock and it makes him so happy! I'm going to find him rocks everyday so he stays happy. I will make him his own rock collection! Li-li says he wants a rock too, I think he wants to match with Hunter so I go find him one. Now they're twinsies! Eva taught me that word, it means they match. Sometimes Sebby wears the same colour as Lex, does that make them twinsies too? "Wow did you write your name here?" Li-li asks and I nod. "H-how write you?" I ask. He picks up the stick and writes out his name. He has an L in his name. "L-lex have L t-too!" I say pointing to it. "He does, how about we write everyone's name?" He says and I nod, trying to remember all the letters and how they sound.

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