Chapter 69

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Hunters POV:

I'm so thankful that last night was quiet, after Spencer got back, the boys were all in their own heads, and no one made a fuss about sleeping in the living room together. I let them watch a movie before bed, the only condition was that Nick, Atlas and Bellamy got to pick it, they chose cars, because they're actual children and not adults. We had a surprisingly early night, everyone was a lot more tired than they thought, and now I'm lying here, thinking of what the hell I'm supposed to wear for a breakfast date.

Gently I remove Reid's arm from around me and slip away from the air mattress. Looking around, I see Nick is already up, Atlas looks like he's about to wake up, and everyone else is completely knocked out. Alex is sleeping on his stomach like a starfish, and somehow, Noah ended up sleeping right on top of him, also like a starfish. Spencer is sprawled out, on the floor, seeming to have fallen off the air mattress, and Aaron is half on, half off the other air mattress next to Reid. Sebastian is peacefully asleep on his own air mattress, and Bellamy is still on the couch, at least he didn't roll off like the last time he slept over, the thud from his body was so loud, the boys woke up panicked, thinking someone was breaking into the house.

I get ready quietly, taking my time picking out a shirt, it's casual, this is casual, it's gonna be like 7am when I see him, so casual it is. Heading back downstairs, I find the kitchen light on, and Nick and Atlas are both awake, of course they are. "Aw he looks nervous." Nick smirks at me and I roll my eyes. "First of all, I'm not nervous. And second, it's not like I haven't ever had breakfast with him before okay?" I say, lying through my teeth, I am so fucking nervous, this is our first actual date. I've been on dates before, and never felt this nervous. "Yeah okay, not nervous my ass." Atlas says. "N-no no word!" A quiet voice whispers, causing all of us to jump. "Oh my god I think my soul just left my body." Atlas says with his hand over his heart. "Noah buddy what are you doing awake? It's really early." I ask trying to figure out when the hell he woke up and when he came into the kitchen, because he's holding Atlas' coffee cup that I'm pretty sure Nick hid really well yesterday, like he does every Saturday.

"N-noah sleep a-and have nice d-dreams! Hear A-atty close close c-close! So loud! W-wake Noah! Nicky hide c-cup, no nice! N-noah come f-find cup for Atty! No l-look no more!" He says mimicking atlas closing all the cupboard doors. Nick coughs, hiding his laugh, and Noah jumps into my arms to hug me. "How did you know where I hid the cup?" Nick asks him. "See Nicky h-hide cup. No g-good at hide and s-seek." He says before turning his attention back to me and frowning. "H-Hunter what wearing?" He asks and I frown back at him. Nothings wrong my outfit right? "I just put this on to wear." I tell him. "W-where going? Noah c-come too?" He asks, holding me tighter. "Im just going out real quick, I'll be home so soon." I try to explain to him. "No go! S-stay! No l-leave N-noah please!" He cries out. "Hey, it's okay, I'm not leaving you forever, I'm coming right back." I say but he sobs even harder. "N-noah be good! Stay w-with No-noah p-please!" He begs, clutching onto me. "I'm right here." I tell him, trying to soothe him. After a few minutes, it works, and his cries turn to sniffles and hiccups. Glancing at the time, I still have time before I was going to leave, but how am I suppose to leave him after that? Atlas knows exactly what I'm thinking and steps in. "Hey Noah, look, do you know what time it is?" He asks Noah, who slightly turns his head to the clock and nods. "Six three z-zero. Thirty! S-six thirty." He says quietly, he's getting much better at telling time, at least on a digital clock. We're still working on analog. "That's right and it's really really early, which means you should still be asleep. And you know what? I think Bellamy needs some cuddles. Do you think you can cuddle him until Hunter comes back? He's going to come back when the clock says 8:00." Atlas explains, but I feel Noah shiver when mentions me leaving. "B-bell need c-cuddles?" Noah whispers, looking up at me. "Yeah, I think he does. And I pinky promise if you go sleep with him and give so many cuddles, I'll be back before you wake up. It'll be like I never even left." I whisper back to him. "L-like magic?" He asks and I nod, he mumbles an okay, I softly let out the breath I was kind of holding. If he still didn't want me to leave, I wasn't going anywhere.

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