Chapter 45

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Hunters POV:

A week has gone by, and Reid has successfully infected Atlas, Alex, Sebastian, and Spencer. It only hit Atlas for 2 days but the rest of the boys have been out for almost the whole week. Within an hour of each other, the three boys were throwing up on Tuesday night. Surprisingly Noah hasn't gotten sick, he had a slight fever one night but slept it off and was perfectly fine after a few hours. It's now Friday and we can spend the whole weekend doing nothing but recuperating. Things with Nick are no better, and still tense. After the disaster of a breakfast, him and Sophie left, coming back in the late evening. They didn't disturb any of us, just went straight up to his room. The boys are all giving him the cold shoulder, if they ever see him, and Noah still panics if he's ever in the same room with Nick and Sophie, or if he hears their voices. Reids having a tough time with Nick, every time he tries to talk to him, Nick brushes him off telling him they'll talk later, but later never comes. Alex and Spencer surprisingly have not lashed out at him in a few days, but being sick might be the main reason for that, if they had the energy, I'm sure we would have screaming matches going on. Another thing that's happened is that Sophie hasn't been welcome here for the last 3 days after she got into a heated argument with Alex and Spence. Before I could even step in, Nonna was the first one cussing her out, and that woman can be terrifying when she's angry.

Right now, Reid's trying to keep his eyes open, while laying on the couch with me watching Encanto, and Atlas is outside with Noah. It suddenly snowed again, and so he's having the time of his life making snow angels and snowmen. Men, as in plural, last time I checked, there was 6 little snowmen guarding our porch. Spencer's fallen asleep in his room and Alex is currently in the kitchen while Nonna lectures him about the nutrients in her soup as he eats it since she offered him a bowl and he asked for a tin soup to be heated up instead. What possessed him to ask her that, I have no clue. "You can sleep if you want." I tell Reid but he shakes his head. "If I sleep now I'll miss when Nick comes home." He says making me sigh. Over the week, he'd been pretty much tracking the times Nick would be home and force himself to stay awake to see him, even if it was way past his bedtime, only to be disappointed when Nick leaves again 5 minutes later. Im not even sure if he's coming today since it's Friday, and Sarah is staying here for the weekend with Nonna, leaving Nick and Sophie an empty house. "I'll wake you up if he comes home okay?" I say and he nods. Before closing his eyes the front door opens and we hear Noah struggling to pull off his boots, before he runs into the living room, still wearing his coat and snow pants. Atlas runs in after him with a goofy grin on his face, and his hands behind his back. I swear to god if he brought in a snowball. "H-hi, look f-found! Can k-keep please?" He says pointing at Atlas, who swings his arms forward shoving a rock in my face. Reid suddenly is bursting with energy, as soon as he sees the rock. "We can add it to my rock collection! It's the perfect size! And look it's so smooth, and the colour!" He says getting more excited and sitting up. This is turn excites Noah who is basically jumping on the spot at the fact that we have a collection of rocks somewhere in the house. "M-more!?" He asks Reid who nods happily, but winces from his body aches. "Hunter please tell Nonna to stop feeding me soup I'm actually going to explode!" Alex groans joining us in the living room. "L-Lex 'splode!" Noah cries out with wide eyes in panic. Why does this feel like déjà vu? Reid and Atlas freeze, and it takes me a second to figure out why. He didn't whisper.

Noah's POV:

Lex is gonna splode! He can't he can't! "Lex! Lex! S-stop s'ok. N-no h-hurt r-right?" I ask him holding his hand. Hes not moving. He's just just-nothing! Somethings wrong! "H-Hunter h-help!" I cry for him to do something I don't want Lex to splode. "Hey hey no don't worry Alex is fine, he's fine, nothings wrong. He didn't mean it, he's not going to explode, right Alex?" Hunter says taking my hands. "Uh no, I'm good... I'm gonna go to my room now..." Lex says backing away slowly and leaving. "Noah buddy I need you to breathe, Alex is okay, can you take a breath for me?" Hunter says and I look at him scared because I can't. It's not working, it only hurts. Atty turns me to him and holds my hands over his heart. I can feel it go thump thump thump. "That's it, just keep focusing on my heart, can you feel it beating?" He let's go of my hands when it stops hurting, and asks if I'm okay, and wipes my tears away. I nod and ask Hunter to make sure Lex is okay and not sploded. He laughs and says okay, getting up to find Lex, I remind him that Lex went to his room. Reid goes with him leaving me with Atty.

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