Chapter 61-Alexander

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Alexander's POV:

Why did Hunter decide to go to the zoo today? He couldn't have decided to have a family day at home in the backyard instead? There's plenty of room for Noah to run around back there and I could peacefully sit on a chair, but no he wants to walk the entire fucking zoo for some brotherly bonding. As if we didn't already look dysfunctional, with 4 of us sporting cuts and bruises, Nick covered in tattoos, a hyperactive kid, two school teachers, and add a principal and cop, we look like the Brady bunch on crack. Atlas hands me the keys to his car, and I get into the drivers seat. Sebastian gets in behind me and he's a silent backseat driver. He won't say anything, but you know he's judging you and screaming in his head about everything you're doing. This time isn't any different, but he makes a sigh when we get into the parking lot. I glare at him through the mirror and tell him to fuck off, and park perfectly, so there was nothing to sigh about. Im a good driver, I don't know why he's stressing. I stretch my arms over my head while we wait for everyone to get out of the cars, my body is aching from the fight still, and my muscles feel tight. Rolling my shoulders, we head towards the gate, and I can already hear Noah, who sounds like he's on a sugar rush. How can one person ask so many questions in such a little amount of time?

"Thank you?" I say questioningly to Liam when he hands me a rose. Who is he? Oprah? He's out here like you get a flower and you get a flower. Were we all suppose to bring a gift like a secret Santa kinda thing? I mean, I guess it wouldn't really be a secret though? It's too early for this nonsense, and thankfully Sebastian starts walking to the first animal of the day. I cringe when Noah grabs his hand and he freezes. Since the fight, he's been extra particular about who and what he touches. At least he heals fast, his hands aren't too raw anymore after he scrubbed at them so harshly. I mentally applaud him when he closes his hand around Noah, that's a big step for him right now. I feel like Hunter right now, like a proud parent.

Sebastian leads us to the penguins and not so coincidentally has us there in time for the presentation from the zookeepers. I don't even need to listen to it because it hasn't changed since we were kids, and Sebastian memorized it when we were like 7. The only thing that changes is the naughty penguin of the month, to which Noah comments on. I can't stop myself from bursting into laughter when he tells every single person here that Spencer is naughty. This kid has no filter and it's hilarious.

After a few minutes, I lose interest and start waiting to go somewhere else, but Noah is waddling around like a penguin and Sarah slaps Spencer when he's about to swear. Noah's lost interest and is playing with rocks, but Hunter is still sitting on a bench with Reid, they are his favorite animal after all, I guess he wants to spend a little longer here. It's only when Sebastian gets antsy about missing the polar bear feeding that we leave. On the way, Noah tells Spence and I to hold hands, and me being the nice person that I am, hold out my hand for him to hold, but he just looks at me like I'm stupid. He's holding Bellamy's hand, how silly of me to think he'd want to hold mine, no he wants me to hold Spencer's hand, and that's a big no. Spencer straight up refuses, causing Noah to stomp his little foot and run to tell Hunter.

When we get close enough to the polar bears, Spencer makes a run for it, and I run right after him. Gaining speed, I take the lead and stand directly in front of him when we reach. Perks of being taller. He tries to shove me aside, but I get him into a headlock first. He can never get out of my headlock, but tries anyways. Normally I wouldn't let up until after a few minutes or if he gets close, but when we hear Sophie's voice, it startled both of us, causing both of us to freeze and ease up.

Is this what shock feels like? Because I'm not even sure if I'm feeling anything right now? What the fuck is she doing here? Hunter said no more "real fighting" but I want to hit Nick so hard right now. Ripping my attention away from her and Nick, I grab Spencer's arm and stalk over to Hunter and Liam after Reid and Noah. We're going to have the best fucking day at the zoo today, and we can't do that if Spencer or I get us kicked out for assaulting someone. My patience and anger is wearing thin, and Sophie decides to follow us and starts talking again. After clearly watching us leave the minute she shows up, she's honestly delusional at this point, because she's thanking someone for inviting her. Who is she thanking? An imaginary person that only she can see? Because as much as I want to blame Nick for this, he looks confused and stunned by her sudden appearance too. I don't realize how tightly I'm gripping Spencer's arm until he yanks it away from hold, and I see the red mark I left, oops.

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