Chapter 62

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Just a heads up lmfao, we're gonna be jumping POVs and time in the next two-four chapters because everyone's POV overlaps  BUT they'll be uploaded altogether so it flows kind of lol you guys know me 😂 sometimes I don't make sense so just go with it

Nicks POV:

I feel something touch my face, tracing it lightly. Squinting my eyes open slightly, makes Reid freeze and slowly remove his hand from my cheek. "Sorry." He whispers to me as I reach for my phone to check the time. 4:00am. "Bit early to be awake?" I ask him, turning to lay on my back, holding my arm out for him to cuddle. He scoots closer and distractedly fiddling with the blanket. I sigh internally, if he's awake at this time something's gotta be on his mind, but before I can answer he starts rambling. "You look like daddy when you sleep." He says quietly and quickly. "I-I woke up because I was thirsty and I didn't know where I was and I saw you and I thought you were him for a second." He says even quicker as if he's admitting to a crime. Hunter and I look pretty similar to dad, but dad was bulkier and more muscular like I am, where as Hunter is more lean, so I can see how waking up to me could be mistaken for a second. "I think you look more like dad than any of us." I tell him. "My hairs too curly, dad didn't have curly hair."  He tells me frowning at my comment. "Have you ever seen a picture of dad when he was 16? You look identical to him, curly hair and all." I say watching how he brightens. "Really? You think so?" He asks and I nod, I'll have to find a picture for him, some of the older albums are put away in storage. Pulling at one of his curls, he smiles to himself.

"You should go back to sleep, it's still early and you have school today." I tell him but he shakes his head. "Can I go sleep with Atlas?" He says and I bite my lip to stop myself from smiling. Of everyone in the house, he wants Atlas, who may or may not be naked in bed with Sarah, yes I do know what those two are up too, I always have. "I think he's with Sarah right now, probably doing teacher stuff since they're both back today, but we can go find Hunter?" I ask. "Why would he be sleeping with Sarah? They had a sleepover without us?" He says frowning again. "You were sorta sleeping before we got home, I'm sure the next time they have a sleepover they'll let you join them, but I doubt you'd want to stay with them while they talk boring teacher things." I say making him laugh. "Where is Noah sleeping? Can I go sleep with him?" He asks and I nod, telling him he should be in his room. Pulling myself out of bed, I walk him down the hall to Noah, before checking the time again. I might as well head down to make breakfast for everyone, and pack lunches for everyone who's leaving the house today.

Sarah is the first one down, obviously. "Oh my god Nick, if you didn't work at your guys company, you would totally make it as a chef." She says smelling breakfast. I roll my eyes at how dramatic she sounds, it's no wonder her and Atlas get on so well. "Guess who slept in?" I ask her. "Everyone?" She asks and I shake my head. "Hunter. I went to check on him since he's usually awake, and he was completely knocked out. He's working from home anyways so I left him. Think he'll be mad?" I ask making her laugh. "He's going to kill you. Has he ever even slept in before?" She says still laughing, as Atlas joins us. I make it sound like Liam is the reason Hunter slept in, grossing Atlas out, but Hunter walks in half dressed, with Sebastian and Reid but no Noah? When Hunter asks where Noah is, I panic for a second until I realize he's asking Sebastian. I guess sleeping in warranted for someone else to help him get ready, and Seb being the only one awake and ready upstairs was the only option. Pinching my nose when Alex screams at the top of his lungs, I guess Noah said bye. Hunter goes to grab him, and he comes down full of energy, chatting away. I love Noah, but that's a lot of words coming from such a tiny person this early in the morning, and I think I'm going to need a second cup of coffee now.

Atlas and Sarah are taking Reid and Noah to school, and as they walk out the door, Alex joins me by the front door. "Did you actually mean it? That I could come to the office today? Or did you just say it and we're you just gonna leave?" He asks and my posture stiffens. "I meant it. I swear. I was just waving bye to them, I was going to come see if you were awake." I tell him quickly to stop his train of thoughts. "Oh. Well I'm ready." He says and I laugh sarcastically at him. "Well I'm glad one of us is ready, give me 5 minutes, meet me in my car, you can drive if you want." I tell him tossing him my keys from the table. Rushing to grab my laptop, and some paperwork, I hustle back downstairs so I'm not keeping him waiting. I wave to Hunter and Sebastian before heading out, where Alex is in the drivers seat. I sit in the passenger seat but he doesn't turn the car on or anything, he just sits gripping the steering wheel. "Helps if you put the key in, and ya know turn on the car?" I say prompting him to do that. "I need to drive more often." He says and I nod. We're not stopping him from driving, if he wants to drive he can, reasonably of course. "Not with you. With Seb, and Spencer and Reid and Noah. Spencer doesn't give a fuck, but he trusts my driving more than his own anyways. Reid hates anyone but you three driving, and Noah asks me not to drive like lightning McQueen every time he sees me behind the wheel. I don't even speed!?" He blurts out. "And don't get me started on Sebastian! He'd rather not drive himself but he also thinks I'm a terrible driver!" He continues, and I cut him off before he can go on again. "Alex. You can drive. Your parking needs work, but other than that, I'm confident that you are the best driver out of the four of you. If you need to drive more with them so that all of you are more comfortable with it then do it. Do the small errands to the grocery store, or to pick up dry cleaning. We can even pick Noah and Reid up from school today." I say and that settles him. Thankfully he starts the car now and we finally head to the office.

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