Not a chapter again sorry lol

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Hi okay, so just a reminder that yes Noah is 12, and I mentioned this in my character introductions when I first started writing this, he has a much younger mindset than that of a 12 year old. He's never experienced the kind of love and nurturing that helps to grow his mind, or to mature his thoughts, not until he's came to live with his brothers. He was taken from his family when he was 1 1/2 years old, he was a baby, all he's known is the abuse he's gotten from his kidnappers. He's excited about everything new he can learn because for the last 10 ish years, he'd only known the basement where was kept. I've mentioned that he had gone to pre school for a short time, but haven't written much in detail about those years yet. But anyways, long story short, he's never had the chance to learn how to grow up, paired with the abuse and trauma, gives him a younger child like mind set. I'm only posting this because someone commented and then deleted "isn't he 12?" When Noah did something babyish like sucking his thumb. So yeah he is 12 physically, but definitely not mentally.

Im not saying it's not okay for you guys to question the things I write about because it is lol, but if you pay attention to what I write, everything is there for a reason you know? If he didn't have a younger mindset, he wouldn't be acting as such right?

Also! Next chapter will be a double update lol, a new chapter and a Halloween special, I will hopefully upload before Halloween, but on Halloween latest. Im almost done writing them both, so I'm hoping earlier rather than later.

What are you guys dressing up as for Halloween? I'm going to be Michael Myers lol

May xx

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