Chapter 13

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Noah's POV:

I get my own bed to sleep in, and it's a train! Sebby says Thomas is on a show and we can watch him go on adventures! I can't wait to see it. Reid got me a super soft blankie! It's got giraffes like Oli on it, I can't wait to show him, he's still napping in Sebby's  backpack so I'll show him later when he wakes up. I even got to pick pillows! Atty is holding me while Hunter and Nicky talk to the girl at the table (the sales associate lmao not some random girl). My head is resting on his shoulder and I put my thumb in my mouth sucking on it, I wonder where else we're going today, Hunter says we have a long list of things to get.

"Hey bud that's not very clean, let's get your thumb of your mouth okay?" Hunter says when he comes back, pulling my thumb out of my mouth. I just nod sadly at him, wishing I could still do it. He says we're all set here and ready to go to the next store. Walking through the mall, there's so many stores and people! I tell Atty we should hold Reid and Sebby's hand, I don't want to lose them. He just smiles and says they're okay, but asks them to walk closer to us. That makes me feel better, they can't get lost if they're right here!

Atty is still holding me while we walk in this store, I'm glad my legs would hurt if I had to walk this many steps! I'm not really paying attention to what Hunter and Nicky are putting in the cart. They ask me if I like things and if I say yes they put it in the cart, if I say no, they put it back, sometimes showing me a different one. We've got plates and bowls and spoons, cups with straws and clothes!!! I get new clothes and they're not ripped or too big or anything! They look just right to fit me.

*let's just pretend they got all the things he needed, except for a few things that'll be mentioned just now.*

Hunters POV:

We just need a few more things here before we can go to the last store. We walk to one of the baby and toddler aisles, and I pick up a set of pull ups and a potty trainer seat, so that he wont be scared to fall in when using the washroom. I also grab a little step stool to put in the bathroom so he can reach the toilet and sink. He's been pretty good at telling us when he has to go, but he had quite a bit of accidents in the hospital, and I know he's been made to hold it for long periods of time. I hesitate, but grab a pack of diapers as well, just in case. We got him some underwear as well, even if he just wants to wear it on top the pull up. Both the pull ups and diapers had mickey on them, and he seemed to like the characters, I'll have to show him the tv show, he'll love it.

We pass by bottles and sippy cups, and I grab 1 of each. I know we got a thermos like cup for him, the ones with the straw, but he's pretty shaky when holding cups we've noticed and our doctor mentioned that he'll be prescribing some medicine for Noah to take at night before bed. So the bottle and sippy cup could be useful. We also pass by pacifiers, and I grab a pack. He may be 12, but he was still sucking his thumb earlier today, so these will help break that habit, and eventually we can ween him off of it. We got a booster seat to go on the chair in the kitchen, it does have a removable tray that he probably won't use for eating, but maybe for crafts or something. Finally being done here, we cash out and head to the last store, the toy store.

Spencer's POV:

I've been hanging out with my friends for the last few hours, and ran into Alex and his friends. Reid hasn't texted me once so I guess they're pretty busy. We're all in the food court eating some pizza, when I see our brothers heading to the toy store that's in front of us. I haven't told my friends yet about Noah, and neither has Alex. Panicking for a second I nudge Alex and nod the direction of our brothers. "Sh*t" he mutters under his breath. Seeing the panic in his eyes as well, I blurt it out to the whole table. "We found Noah!" Everyone stops eating, mid bite and stares at me, and Alex slaps the back of my head "really, that's how you want to do it?" He says to me. Rubbing my head I say "well yeah it's not like everyone wouldn't notice, our family is full of giant, tattooed men who are heading to the toy store right in front of us holding a random child!" As soon as I say that everyone's head whips around to look, before anyone can say anything, Alex blurts out "none of you can meet him yet!" Everyone groans and a mix of "what do you mean" "why not" and "seriously" is heard. "He's been through a lot, skittish with new people, you'll meet him soon, I mean you guys are always at the house anyways right?" I say to them, they all nod in agreement. I guess Noah will be meeting them all in a few days...

Nicholas POV:

We've gotten everything from our list. The only thing left is toys. We even got a paint colour for his room, he chose purple. While we're heading into the toy store I see Alex and Spencer with their friends, and a second later all their friends head whip around to look at us, I guess they literally just told them about Noah. They turn back to the table, and I don't bother pointing them out to anyone else, since I highly doubt they'd want to come into the toy store.

Noah looks around the store in awe. Hunter tells him he can pick some toys out, so Atlas sets him down and he wanders past the toys over to the books, which makes both Reid and Sebastian light up, and rush over to the book as well. "They're actually just big kids" I say to Hunter, rolling my eyes. I take off looking for some toys that Noah might like while Atlas already has a train set picked up. Hunter just watches Noah trace some books with his hand and Sebastian and Reid picking out a bunch that he would like. Pop up books, colouring books, and anything Robert Munsch and Roald Dahl. Noah stopped at the Harry Potter books, but Reid tells him that he has them at home and can read them to him at bedtime. Thinking about everything we got today, we didn't get a bookshelf for him, we'll have to either get that another time or get one online.

Finding a couple toys I think he'd like, I bring them over showing him. He only liked 2 of them, so we put that in the cart with the train set and books. We all walk through the aisles and he stops to look at a tea set. Hunter grabs it and puts it in the cart, and Noah shyly hugs him, and points at some dolls and dress up costumes. Theres a treasure chest on sale that I tell Hunter we should get for him to put all his toys in, so we grab that, while Reid and Atlas pick out some costumes with Noah. He got princess and prince outfits, doctors outfit, chefs outfit, and a few more as well as some dolls. He loved the doll that came with their own horse. When we went to cash out, I had picked him up, seeing he was starting to get drowsy. I told Atlas to text Spencer and Alex to meet us at the cars, so we can go for a late lunch somewhere. I know those two already ate pizza but they'll probably eat some more if we go somewhere. While walking through the mall, Noah falls asleep fast in my arms.

Suddenly I freeze, feeling my shirt get all wet. The boys all stop to look at me, and I just look wide eyed at Hunter, who looked back at me the same way, not having expected this to happen at this moment. Noah stirs probably feeling the wetness, and wakes up. He realizes what he just did, and starts crying, gasping out an apology. I keep telling him it's okay, and Hunter and I head to the family bathroom to clean up. Noah doesn't stop crying until Hunter takes him from me and is only sniffling and hiccuping when we get into the bathroom. I take off my shirt and put my zip up hoodie back on without it, while Hunter opens the pull ups and wipes we bought for Noah as well as one of the new outfits. While Hunter gets Noah cleaned up and into a clean pull up, Noah keeps muttering out a sorry every few minutes. Once he's all dressed again, I pick him up and say "see all clean now, it was only an accident no one's upset with you alright?". Hunter takes him from me and kisses his head holding him close. Noah soaks up the hug and cuddles as close as he can hiding his face into Hunters neck. We head back out to meet everyone and just nod at them to say it's all good now. Getting everyone into the car, we pick a restaurant and head there for lunch.

Okaaaaay that's the chapter! So I know that they bought a lot of baby things for Noah, even though he's 12, just want to remind you all, that he's been kept in a basement for over 8 years straight he hasn't fully developed and has many child like tendencies and his growth is stunted due to all the abuse and neglect. So yes he is 12 years old, but he'll act much younger. Secondly, I finally finished the shopping chapters lmao next chapter should be lunch and painting his new room. Should be eventful seeing as Atlas is so clumsy lol. I hope you guys enjoyed this one!

May xx

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