Chapter 15

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Sebastian's POV:

Walking in the room, I sigh expecting to see paint everywhere, but there's only one spot on the tarp that's covered in paint, other than that, there's only 1/2 of a wall left to paint. With the amount of paint on Atlas I wonder if they'll even have enough to finish the last wall.  "...ugh do we need anymore paint? Pretty sure I just saw the rest of it walk out of this room." I say laughing as Alex looks inside an empty paint can. "Ha ha you're so funny" he says to me rolling his eyes and passing me the paint can. "It's fine Seb, we have just enough for the last wall and then we'll take a break with you, do you want to go check on Reid and Noah?" I nod making my way over to my room.

Opening the door slowly so it doesn't creak, I peek inside and see them both fast asleep on my bed. I see that Reid put my periodic table blanket on my bay window seat with the book I'm currently reading, I smile at that, because he's always thinking about others. It makes me think about that old rocking chair used to be in Noah's nursery, I think it's somewhere in the basement now. I go back to Noah's room to see them just about done with painting, and ask Hunter if we still have the rocking chair. "Its in the basement in storage." He says. "Do you think it'll fit in here? Noah would love it for reading right?" I say, and he nods. "That's a good idea, but we should measure it just in case. It might be a bit crowded with the bookshelves and all that, but if it is, I think we can get away with it in the living room, what do you guys think?" Nick agrees with the living room, Alex disagrees and says it would be in the way. Hunter tells him to go measure it and then we can decide.

Hunters POV:

The rocking chair would be nice in the living room I think, it's pretty old, so we may have to fix it up a bit. It's the same one that we all had in our nurseries when we were babies, it's been fixed up a lot over the years, and repainted several times. Mom and dad had it in Noah's nursery/room, and I had asked Nicholas to clear out the furniture in there when I went to the hospital for Noah, so it was only recently moved. "How were Noah and Reid?" I asked Sebastian. He tells me they were both completely knocked out and showed me the picture of them cuddling, wrapped in their blankets, adorable. I decide we should wake them now so they'll be fully awake within the hour, in time to help make dinner, and decorate the room.

Our house has 2 master bedrooms with full ensuite washrooms, mine, which used to be our parents room, and Reid and Spencer's room which used to be mine, Nick and Atlas room growing up. Over the years we've switched rooms multiple times, but I think we're set for a while now. Now we have me in the first master, Noah beside my room, Sebastian beside him, and Atlas at the end. On the other side of the hallway, we have Spencer and Reid in the second master, Nicholas room, and then Alex and a few guest room at the end.

Hunter Reid and Spencer
Noah Nicholas
Sebastian Alexander
Atlas Guest
Washroom Washroom
*their parents ran a huge company, that Hunter now runs, they're pretty well off, and clearly have a big house lmao eventually you'll see the extra rooms like the games room or an indoor swimming pool, you already know the basement is a home gym, I'm not sure what else but if I think of anything it'll be mentioned only if they're in that room, otherwise it would be unnecessary right lol?*

The only change would be if Spencer decides he wants his own room, but then everyone would fight for the master, the only reason they have it is because they share a room. Sebastian helps Nick and I peel off the tape from the walls, and pack up the painting supplies, and Alex walks back in giving Sebastian the measurements. Sebastian looks around the room and decides that Noah would have more playing room without it but it should fit perfectly in the living room and sets off to go double check the living room.

Alexander's POV:

Rolling my eyes I head off to the kitchen for a snack and then to the basement. I don't get why we need to bring out that stupid rocking chair, mom and dad were the ones who used to rock us on it anyways, and they're not here to do that now so why should we bring it up now and into the living room too!? I know I'm just being difficult but they better not expect me to read to Noah on it, I won't do it. Feeling angry I decide to go work out a little. Grabbing 3 granola bars and my water bottle, I head down to the gym and run on the treadmill for 20 minutes. When I'm done, I work on_______. (LMAO sorry I know he does boxing, but I literally have no idea what that training would include 😂). Nick comes to check on me and asks if I can come help move the furniture around in Noah's room. Grabbing a towel to wipe off all my sweat, we go back upstairs and start arranging the bed and all his things.

Sebastian was put on clothes duty, and Atlas finally graces us with his presence, I don't even have to look up to see it was Atlas coming in, because you can just tell by how unbalanced his footsteps were barging in here. But then I hear Nick dying of laughter, causing me to look up, only to do the same. Atlas blonde hair is now stained different shades of purple and his skin is slightly pink, probably from scrubbing, but you can see hints of purple littering his arms, face and neck. Oh this is hilarious, the kids at school are gonna have a field day with this! "See this is exactly why I left the room" Nick chokes out still laughing. Sebastian is still in the closet putting clothes away but I can see his shoulders shaking, trying to hide his laugh. Hunter walks in and snorts, trying to cover his laugh with a cough, and Atlas accuses us of doing this on purpose, since theres yearbook photos being taken this week at school. Hunter just smiles innocently telling him"We have no idea what you're talking about right?" "Right" I nod my head back at Hunter looking at Atlas, which only makes me burst out laughing all over again.

The room is painted!! Lmao anyways like I said before I'm a little busy the next few days so I'm not sure how often ill update but I'm hoping for every 2-3 days. Is there anything you guys would like to see happen in this book? Any specific interactions between the brothers? Keep in mind, currently it is still Saturday in the book, and come Monday, the boys and atlas will be going to school, leaving Hunter home with Noah and Nicholas sometimes having to be in the office. Also I want to address Alexander getting angry about the rocking chair, first let's remember he has anger management problems, second, the rocking chair was a sentimental thing that their parents did with each kid, he's upset about them not being here to do that for Noah, but the only emotion he expresses that in is anger. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter

May xx

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