Chapter 48

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Hunters POV:

Late. Of all days for every single one of us to be running late, it had to be today didn't it? Sebastian being the most ready is impatiently waiting by the door while the rest of us run around to get on coats, boots and bags, and the large box Reid won't let anyone touch. We're running too late for me to even question what's inside, all I've been told is that it's for school. Once we all get into the cars, we head off to the school, Noah asked for all of us to come with him to drop him off, and so Atlas, Alex, Sebastian, Spence, Reid and I walk him over. Somehow we make it with time to spare so that no one will be late for their own classes.

"S-school nice? Can p-play and r-read a-and dance?" Noah says, babbling on about the things he wants to do at school. Atlas and Reid agree and name more things he'll be able to do, while Alex and Spence question why he'd be dancing in school. Sebastian gives them a look that is clearly questioning how he's related to those two. I just look at everyone and laugh, everyone single one of us is truly so different from the next. Things take a turn as soon as we get near the classroom, Noah's happiness and excitement dies down and he stops walking. Full blown panic written on his face as he stares at the classroom door. He looks up at me and shakes his head no.

"N-no go. No s-school for No-ah. Can go h-home now p-please." He says starting to freak out. His breath quickens and before anyone can say anything he darts back down the hallway. "Fuck" Spencer says before running after him. He is surprisingly the fastest runner, but after seeing how fast Noah was, I think he's gonna give him a run for his money. Atlas and I go to run after them as well, but Sebastian stops us. "He's already overwhelmed, let Spencer get him." He says earning a snort from Alex. "You think Spencer is not gonna overwhelm him even more?" He says laughing. "He's not exactly the most nurturing person. A cactus would be easier to hug." He continues, cracking up at his own joke. I roll my eyes and turn to head after Noah and Spencer but stop when I see Noah happily skipping next to him swinging their arms back and forth.

When they reach us, Noah let's go of Spencer and hugs my legs. "Noah s-sorry. N-no run 'gain. Be g-good. P-pro-mise." He says holding out his index finger to me. Spencer rolls his eyes and switches Noah's finger so his pinky is out. I link my pinky with his as best I can, considering how tiny his fingers are and how big mine are. Everyone else just stares in shock as Noah turns to give everyone a quick hug and goodbye. He gives Spencer the biggest hug and a kiss, while saying I love you, before he skips over to me and says he's ready now. "Lead the way" I tell him holding his hand, and then off we go. I so badly want to know what Spencer said to him when he caught him, I'll have to ask him later.

Noah's POV:


My heart is beating so fast it's all I can feel and hear. I changed my mind. I don't want to go to school anymore. It looks scary. I have to get away fast, I can't go in there. what if my teacher locks me in there forever? Or what if Hunter leaves and never comes back! I turn my head to see the hallway we passed and run towards it. Run run run have to run fast. I keep going until someone scoops me up from behind. I get scared thinking it's daddy for a second, I want to scream but I can't, daddy doesn't like when I'm loud, but then I smell him. It's Spencer, not daddy. Spencer can save me from school, I heard him say he doesn't like it, maybe he can take me and we can go watch a movie instead. Spencer can teach me how to read, he watches movies with the letters at the bottom.

"Stop wiggling around, or I'm gonna drop you." He tells me and I frown. That wouldn't be nice, but he wouldn't drop me, I stop moving in his arms just in case. "You need to chill out okay? The sooner you go to school, the sooner you can come home." He says and I nod. I want to go home sooner. It's nice at home, safe. I don't know if school will be nice and safe too. "Don't do this shit again, if you run away again you'll scare everyone and it's way too fucking early for me to be this active." He says and I make angry eyes at him. He keeps saying no no words, he's being naughty. "Yeah yeah stop saying no no words you've told me before." He says, if I told him already, then why doesn't he listen? "You know, if you want to run away that's up to you, but if you run away, that means you don't come home. It means you don't get to cuddle with Hunter and Reid, or cook with Nick, or build puzzles with Seb, or play with Atlas and the kittens, or have tea parties with Alex, or watch movies with me. If you want to run away, you don't just run away from school or from home, but from all of us, think about that the next time you want to run. Now let's go or you'll be late and make me late and I'll get detention." He says and I nod holding his hand to skip back to everyone.

Thinking about what Spencer said makes me sad. I don't ever wanna go away from everyone, they make me happy. I didn't mean to run away from them, just school, but Spencer said it's the same thing. Does that mean I was a bad boy? Will Hunter be angry, I hope not, I'll finger promise to be good. Atty makes finger promises and he said he can't ever break them, never ever. I'm never gonna run away again, I'm gonna stay with Hunter forever and ever and ever.

I say bye to everyone and Hunter and me go inside the room. I look around slowly, just in case, but I don't see anything scary. There's lots and lots of colours everywhere, and purple! There's a purple chair, I hope I can sit there. "Hello hello everyone! We have a new student joining us today, do you all remember what I said his name was?" A lady says and I look at her funny. I never met her before, how would she tell me there's a new student?

"Oh was it Nolan?"
"What kind of a name is Norman he's 12 not 90."
"Yeah no that's definitely not it, what's his name again? Is that him?"
"Is that his dad?"
"He's really small, smaller than Theo."

"Okay one at a time and unfortunately your memory is not up to par, seeing as I told you about our new student Noah, on Friday, as well as this morning. You guys were close, but you didn't quite get it." The lady says after the other people shout names, but I'm Noah? Maybe there's another Noah here. I frown thinking that, what if they mix us up? "Hi Noah, my name is Miss Hannah, and I'm going to be your teacher here. Are you excited to meet your classmates?" The lady says coming closer to Hunter and me. I move closer to Hunter just in case, but Miss Hannah looks nice and Hunter doesn't look scared, so I shouldn't be either.

"Do you wanna introduce yourself to everyone?" Hunter asks me when I don't say anything to Miss Hannah. I'm not sure if I'm excited, so I didn't answer her question. I look at the other people in the room, some of them are big and tall like Lex, but some of them a small and tall like Atty, one of them is small like Reid too! That's no fair I want to be big and tall like Lex! "Why don't we start with something super easy hmm? You tell everyone your name and your favorite colour, how does that sound?" Miss Hannah says and I nod fast. I have a name and a favorite colour! "M'Noah! C-colour pur-ple!" I say. "C-can sit o-on purple ch-chair please?" I ask Hunter and Miss Hannah, mostly Hunter because I'm not sure who I'm supposed to ask right now.

"The purple chair is Theos, but the blue chair next to it is open if you'd like to sit in that one?" Miss Hannah says and I nod. "You can have the purple chair, I'll sit in the blue one." A boy says, but I shake my head, the purple chair is for Theo. I can't take it from him. "N-no take f-from The-o. N-not nice." I tell him. The boy smiles and says his name is Theo! The purple chair is his seat! I look at Hunter to ask if I can really sit there and he nods. I go sit on it and Theo sits beside me. Is he my friend now? I wonder if he'll play tea party with me, I hope he likes tea, if he doesn't I'll tell him not to worry because it's not real tea, it's just apple juice. Lex thinks it's real tea though, so we can't tell him.

"Well, now that Noah's met Theo, how about everyone sits in their seats and introduces themselves as well?" Miss Hannah says. All the other people say their names, (I'll give the students names if I feel like I'll include them more often lmao but so far we get Theo) and then Hunter says his name too! "Is he your dad?" Theo asks me. "N-no that H-hunter. No d-daddy." Hunters not my daddy, but I wish he was, he would be the best one ever. "Is he your brother?" I nod and look at Hunter, he's looking at me too so I wave to him with a realllllly big smile. School isn't scary at all. "We have free time this morning until Hunter leaves, and then we'll have reading." Theo says and I frown, why is Hunter leaving? Doesn't he want to read too? "Do you want to do a puzzle with me? Hunter can build it too." He says and I nod, I like puzzles. "S-sebby b-build all t-time!" I tell him.

Yeah okay I'm sorry I know this chapter is short and kinda shitty, I'm gonna try and get another chapter out in the next two ish days, that's gonna be the rest of Noah's first day at school lol. Anyways this is clearly not where I wanted to end the chapter, hence the awkward and open ending lmao, but it's been a while since my last update and I wanted to get something out lol. I went on vacation and didn't get a chance to write anything and when I got back I was super lazy 😂😂😂 so that's why this update took a week longer than I wanted it too. Anywayssssss I'm probably going to write most of the school chapter in third person/no one's POV, and bits of Noah's POV, and the chapter after that will include Hunter's POV after he leaves Noah to go to work and all that. Again I'm sorry for the kinda weird chapter lol I swear I had more planned for it but I hope you guys liked it anyways 🥹

May xx

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