Chapter 16

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Chu Zhichen turned his face away: "Your mother?"

Xiang Mingzhang looked straight ahead: "Yes, Mrs. Chu knows."

Chu Zhichen didn't see Xiang Mingzhang's parents when he went to Xiang's house last time. Why was he absent from the family gathering? The person you called on the phone just now was "Miss Bai". Could it be that Xiang Mingzhang's parents have separated?

Speechless in the second half, Xiang Mingzhang sent Chu Shichen to the door of his house.

Before getting out of the car, Chu Zhichen said, "Thank you for taking me back."

Xiang Mingzhang was in a good mood: "Give my regards to Mrs. Chu."

Chu Zhichen then said, "Say hello to Auntie for me too."

"You're welcome." Xiang Mingzhang leaned lazily on the back of the chair, "I'll give her two bottles of honey, she has to thank you."

Chu Zhichen took two steps back, watching Xiang Mingzhang go away. When he returned home, there was a row of dark lights in the villa, and the master bedroom suite was brightly lit.

Mrs. Chu was not asleep yet, so Chu Zhichen went to the room to say hello. Although he was a little curious about Xiang Mingzhang's family affairs, he didn't want to inquire about it.

Their relationship is that of a boss and a subordinate, not even friends, so the boundaries should be clearer.

Xiang Mingzhang drove along the Huanjiang Highway, and gradually deviated from the urban area. Manzhuang is a private manor built on the outskirts of the city, and it was almost early morning when he arrived.

Seventy percent of the mansion is gardens, and there are two buildings in the north and south. Xiang Mingzhang drove in from the north gate, stopped the car casually, and walked into a deep house with shopping bags.

He walked through the winding corridors along the ground lamp, and the last bend led to the main living room. The door opened ahead of time, and a middle-aged woman in plain clothes appeared at the door.

"Mingzhang?" She called out to the figure under the corridor.

"it's me."

Xiang Mingzhang agreed, and approached quickly, raised his hand to wrap the shawl on the other person tightly: "Mom, I didn't disturb your rest."

Xiang Mingzhang's mother is Bai Yongti, with gorgeous and profound features, even though she is old and has no face, she can still see the beauty of a great beauty.

She smiled slightly and said, "No, I'm copying scriptures."

Xiang Mingzhang took Bai Yongti into the room. The large living room looked elegant on the surface, but in reality it felt deserted. On the table were the Four Treasures of the Study, a copy of a scripture with semi-dry ink, and only "Amitabha" was a common word.

An arched door connects the small dining room, Sister Qing, who takes care of Bai Yongti's daily life, brought food and said: "Mr. Xiang is useless for dinner, come and eat while it's hot."

Xiang Mingzhang was already hungry, washed his hands and sat down, picked up the chopsticks but didn't know which dish to pick.

White jade willow sprouts, cucumber and corn rolls, celery leaf emerald balls, only the dried bamboo shoots are not green.

Bai Yongti believes in Buddhism and is used to being a vegetarian, so there are no meaty ingredients in the kitchen. Xiang Mingzhang reluctantly filled the Wu Zang Temple and said, "I brought a few bottles of honey."

Sister Qing took it out of her shopping bag and said, "The bottle is so cute, and the black tea you asked someone to deliver last time was also very beautifully wrapped."

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