Chapter 42

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Chu Zhichen didn't understand: "What's above and below?"

Xiang Mingzhang turned his face to the side, and Chu Zhichen's eyes were clear and full of inquiry, which was very similar to his appearance in the meeting, as if he was not asking about the body position, but the break-even point of the project.

Xiang Mingzhang said: "On the bed."

Chu Zhichen thought about it for five seconds, understood, and immediately changed his face. Just now at the music festival, he had lost his dignity by mixing in the crowd, but the fact of talking about the bed was beyond his cognition.

The key point is that he has never heard of this kind of problem, let alone thought about it.

I don't have to understand the old times. Is there a rule in this regard in the new era?

Chu Zhichen even began to recall the article "Must-read for Gay Men", but he didn't know much about it, so he answered truthfully: "I don't know."

Xiang Mingzhang said, "Don't play dumb."

Chu Zhichen half resisted, half questioned: "Is this important?"

"I'm curious." Hearing Xingyu's tone, Xiang Mingzhang had a hint of speculation, combined with what Qian Hua said that time, "So you've been on it before?"

Chu Zhichen couldn't help looking up at the sky, and said, "It should be."

Xiang Mingzhang said: "That night in the office, was this the first time you did the following?"

Chu Zhichen was slightly startled, and said, "I don't remember."

Xiang Mingzhang's tone was calm, but he kept chasing after each sentence: "Aren't you well-known? Don't you remember who was up and down? Or don't you remember what happened?"

Chu Zhichen said: "Do you really want to talk about this in broad daylight?"

Xiang Mingzhang asked back: "Why, the atmosphere is not enough to chat in broad daylight, do you like the night?"

"I don't like it." Chu Zhichen denied, "I forgot about that night in the office."

Xiang Mingzhang's voice sank: "I don't believe you forgot."

Chu Zhichen was pushed forward step by step, feeling that the carriage had become a bit cramped, he replied: "Why can't I forget, it's just impulsive after drinking, should I keep it in my heart for aftertaste?"

Xiang Mingzhang directly changed the topic: "Isn't it worth remembering? You were also very comfortable that night, weren't you?"

Chu Zhichen's whole body was stiff, and he agreed to treat what happened that night as if it never happened, even if he couldn't forget it, it was tacit understanding to each other, and he never thought that he would be confronted so blatantly.

"No." Chu Shichen's voice was so low that his voice became hoarse, "It's not uncomfortable at all."

Xiang Mingzhang said, "You are lying."

Chu Zhichen conceded defeat, threw the bag on his lap aside, and went to open the door: "I can't say no to you, I'll get out of the car."

As soon as the car door opened a gap, Xiang Mingzhang leaned over and grabbed Chu Zhichen's wrist, boom! The co-pilot's door was slammed shut.

Chu Zhichen was caught off guard: "What are you doing?!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiang Mingzhang let go of his hands, and instantly clamped Chu Shichen's arms in his palms. They were so tight that the tense muscles under the T-shirt were faintly visible, and Chu Zhichen's upper body was pressed against the seat and could not move.

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