Chapter 115

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After Xiang Xingzhao's funeral was over, the next day, the lawyer notarized the will, and all the procedures were carried out step by step.

Xiang Mingzhang held an overwhelming share of shares and the support of more than half of the board of directors. Coupled with Xiang Xingzhao's will, he officially took over and became Xiang Yue's actual power holder.

Over the years, Xiang Mingzhang has always been eye-catching. He is outstanding, young, and ambitious. Now that he is in office, there are countless eyes staring at him, and there is no room for sloppyness.

All this has not come easily, Xiang Mingzhang devoted all his energy to the company, leaving early and returning late every day, but he did not return to Bomanjia's apartment, and recently stayed with Bai Yongti in Manzhuang.

The sinking illness gradually dissipated, and Bai Yongti's spirit was not bad. In the past, she hardly cared about Xiang Mingzhang's work and life, but now she would ask Xiang Mingzhang if he was tired, and whether it would be too hard to take care of both companies.

It's been half a month, but in fact Xiang Mingzhang has only been to Xiang Yue for correspondence twice, and left in a hurry after the meeting. He didn't have time to speak to Shen Ruozhen alone, so he could only take a few more glances during the meeting.

The second time the meeting ended, he left first. Others turned their faces and said "Goodbye, Mr. Xiang." Shen Ruozhen didn't know whether to avoid suspicion or to be confident, so he lowered his head and sorted out the materials without looking at him.

Passing behind the seat, Xiang Mingzhang raised his hand and touched the back of Shen Ruozhen's neck without squinting.

In the early morning of that night, Xiang Mingzhang called Shen Ruozhen. He had just finished his work, and he said in a lazy and insincere way: "I'm sorry, Director Shen, I messed with you during the day."

Shen Ruozhen hung up directly and called the video.

With dark circles under his eyes, Xiang Mingzhang was afraid that he would not be handsome enough, so he picked it up slowly: "What are you doing, do you want me to apologize in person?"

Shen Ruozhen looked at the camera and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Xiang, I missed you a few times during the day."

Across the screen, listening to the human voice transmitted by radio waves, Xiang Mingzhang thought it would relieve his thoughts, but unexpectedly, it was like drinking sea water to quench his thirst, and he missed the real person on the other side more and more.

On Friday, an old staff member in the sales department of Yisi celebrated his birthday. Since Ruozhen Shen was promoted to director, he has never had a chance to treat him, so he simply invited the department to have a dinner to celebrate his birthday.

Shen Ruozhen is strict at work, but in private, he is a gentleman and gets along very comfortably with his subordinates.

A dinner was full, and it was almost early morning when we got home. Shen Ruozhen took a shower and sat on the bedside to browse Moments. The manager was in charge of the team leader, and seven or eight people posted a group photo of the party.

As if checking the work summary, he gave everyone a thumbs up.

Soon after receiving a message, Shen Ruozhen switched to the chat list, and Xiang Mingzhang sent it: Haven't slept yet?

Shen Ruozhen replied: How do you know?

The department manager is their mutual friend. Xiang Mingzhang saw the news and said, "Just like other people's photos, why don't you post one yourself?"

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