Chapter 45

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Xiang Mingzhang was taken aback, wasn't it Chu Zhichen?

What does this nonsensical sentence mean?

He thought about this sentence, and found it strange that it didn't sound like self-denial, but denial from another person's perspective.

Xiang Mingzhang leaned slightly closer and called, "Chu Zhichen?"

The face on the pillow was safe and sound, the chest was heaving, and the long breath breathed out the faint smell of alcohol. Chu Zhichen was already fast asleep.

Xiang Mingzhang didn't get an answer, it was just an unconscious dream talk, why bother to think so much, he tucked the quilt for Chu Zhichen, and left the eye drops on the bedside table.

Returning to the executive suite on the opposite side, Xiang Mingzhang held a video conference with the sales department and handled some official business remotely. After the meeting, he called Xu Liao.

No one called at home all day today, probably annoyed him as a white-eyed wolf. When the call was connected, he said: "The old man is hospitalized, you go and find out what's going on."

Xu Liao had always been reticent, and said, "Understood."

Before hanging up, Xiang Mingzhang said suddenly: "Also, do one more thing for me."

In autumn in Beijing, a strong wind is inevitable. Chu Zhichen was woken up by the sound of the wind in the middle of the night, and the room was pitch-black, making it difficult for him to tell where he was for a short time.

During this sleep, he had several dreams, all of which were old things, as if he was afraid that he would forget.

Chu Zhichen couldn't fall asleep, and didn't bother to move, lying on the bed until it was dawn.

He got up, the shirt and trousers on his body were wrinkled from a night's sleep, and he changed into a set after taking a shower.

The meeting continued today, and they agreed to have breakfast at the coffee shop on the first floor of the hotel.

Chu Zhichen arrived last, took a newspaper, pulled out a chair and sat next to Xiang Mingzhang, Meng Tao said: "Secretary Chu, I didn't order for you, Mr. Xiang said you like hot coffee and are afraid of getting cold. "

"It's okay, I'll do it myself." Chu Zhichen opened the economics page, his eyes followed the front page from left to right, all the way to the seat next to him.

Xiang Mingzhang wore a black suit and a dark tweed tie, which was not so dull, and said, "Have you had enough rest?"

Chu Zhichen replied: "Yes."

Xiang Mingzhang said, "Don't make yourself too tired."

Yesterday's fatigue was not due to fatigue, Chu Zhichen concealed: "It's okay, it's because Moutai's alcohol is too strong."

Xiang Mingzhang asked: "This time I broke the precept, will I still drink in the future?"

Chu Zhichen decided to look at the situation, social occasions were inevitable, turned over a newspaper, and when he looked up, he noticed two men walking into the coffee shop with suitcases.

One is Li Heng, and the other should be his assistant.

Xiang Mingzhang also saw it, stirred the coffee and said, "He also came to Beijing on a business trip?"

This mobilization meeting has attracted the attention of the industry, and it is not unusual to meet colleagues, but the meeting started yesterday, so there is no reason to miss the important content of the first day, and come to join in the fun on the second day.

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