Chapter 4 - Serpents Revenge

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There was an awkward tone in the air when they arrived back from the scene. El took the opportunity to keep her head low, she didn't want to bite anyones head off, especially anyone that didn't deserve it. She changed into one of the firehouse t-shirts and a pair of cycling shorts wanting to work away her aggression.

She walked over to the gym however Bobby called her over. "Everything okay Cap?" She asked upon approaching him.

"Yeah, I just wanted to say well done today, I know it probably wasn't easy for you but you handled it well, most newbies run when they face something like this" He spoke in a proud tone.

"Thanks Bobby" El smiled "It's the job, plus I lived in Florida" She let out a small laugh "I saw a lot there"

"I bet you did" He chuckled with her "But you should be proud, you were quick in getting the little girl's airways clear and it looks like she'll make a full recovery"

El smiled, a true, genuine smile. She had saved a baby's life, the whole reason she signed up for the job in the first place was to save people and today truly set in stone that what she was doing was the right thing.


A few days passed and the atmosphere was back to normal, jokes at every corner, no super serious calls, mostly people doing something stupid but that was the job. The group were sitting drinking coffee at the start of their shift when the bell sounded. Everyone scurried to grab their equipment and piled into the truck.

Upon arriving El got the honour of busting the door open, which she had to admit sparked some excitement in her. "LA Fire" She called out.

Bobby soon took the lead after giving El a reassuring pat on the back, he truly was her mentor. "Alright, guys, check all these rooms" He spoke.

Everyone followed suit, peering into the side rooms before entering the main 'living area' in which was home to snakes. El was taken aback at first, Chimney bumping into her out of fear of the snakes. "I mean this is definitely a living room" El spoke with a smirk as she peered round the room, admiring the snakes that were either roaming free or in the heated glass cages.

"Bobby, I can't do snakes. They scare the crap out of me. That scene from Conan the Barbarian with the giant snake, it traumatised me for life" Chimney admitted as he clutched onto the weaponous tool in his hand.

El smirked at his tone and was just about to interact with one of the smaller, free roaming snakes when Bobby announced he had found the victim. Everyone rushed to meet him in one of the bedrooms only to be met with a girl being choked out by a large mustard snake. "Jesus" El spoke and attempted to help Bobby pry it off but it was no use, she could feel its strength through her slipping grasp.

After back and forth conversation, Buck's comment bounced around in Els' head, baffled by his words "Why don't I just punch it in its face?"

"Buck it's a snake" El scoffed with a laugh, wondering how exactly he made it as a firefighter.

"It's not some guy at an El Torito happy hour," Bobby added.

"Look, I have Dilaudid, I can inject it and it'll pass out" Hen spoke as she began to rummage through her medical bag.

"How much time is that going to take?" Bobby spoke rhetorically, as he and El still attempted to release the snake from the girl's neck. "Minutes, and minutes we don't have. I think we're gonna have to put it down"

"Kill it" Chim encouraged.

"No no no" Both Hen and El exclaimed, arguing to save the life of a defenceless animal that was merely doing what nature had intended.

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